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[英]How to GRAB a variable from UI thread while in a working thread?

I'm making slow progress on a simple application I'm making: it creates a request, fills out the headers and fetches a webpage for me. 我在一个简单的应用程序上进展缓慢:它创建了一个请求,填写了标题并为我提取了一个网页。 I figured out that in order to update the UI (after a button has been pressed) I must use dispatcher like so: 我发现,为了更新UI(按下按钮后),我必须使用调度程序,如下所示:

Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Send, new delegate_onearg_s(UpdateStatus), "Sending Request...");

In this case I have an UpdateStatus(string message) which sets my label_Status = message; 在这种情况下,我有一个UpdateStatus(字符串消息),它设置我的label_Status =消息;

So far so good. 到现在为止还挺好。 Now I want it to take input from a textbox first and then turn it into a URL that is used later to create the request, but how do I do that? 现在我希望它首先从文本框中获取输入,然后将其转换为稍后用于创建请求的URL,但我该如何做? I've tried this: 我试过这个:

string url = Convert.ToString(Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Send, new delegate_string_get(GetInput)));

GetInput() in this case simply does return textBox.Text; 在这种情况下,GetInput()只返回textBox.Text; That doesn't really work - it returns some generic thing that's related to the dispatcher. 这确实不起作用 - 它返回一些与调度程序相关的通用事物。

How can I get a variable from a textbox in the UI thread and get it in the working thread with the dispatcher? 如何从UI线程中的文本框中获取变量并将其与调度程序一起放入工作线程中?

Merci beacoup :) Merci beacoup :)

PS. PS。 There's a very high probability I don't know what I'm doing. 我很不可能知道自己在做什么。 Just keep that in mind when answering. 请回答时牢记这一点。

You're on the right track, but you need to use Invoke , not BeginInvoke . 你是在正确的轨道上,但你需要使用Invoke ,而不是BeginInvoke BeginInvoke executes the delegate asynchronously on the dispatcher thread, but you need to get the result synchronously. BeginInvoke在调度程序线程上异步执行委托,但您需要同步获取结果。

string url = (string)Dispatcher.Invoke(new Func<string>(GetInput));

before starting the thread, declare a string variable and assign to it the value from textBox then use that variable in your GetInput method. 在启动线程之前,声明一个字符串变量并从textBox中为其赋值,然后在GetInput方法中使用该变量。

string myVal = myTextBox.Text;

... use it in your GetInput. ...在GetInput中使用它。

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