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[英]Is there a Javascript support library for html5 file API and upload?

until now I was using flash based swfupload and its swfupload.js which provides users with callbacks from flash and a possibility to set it up. 直到现在,我一直在使用基于Flash的swfupload及其swfupload.js ,它为用户提供了来自Flash的回调并可以对其进行设置。

I was wondering if there is anything like this for HTML5 File API. 我想知道HTML5 File API是否有类似的东西。 I'm asking before I make it from scratch myself. 我问自己要从头开始制作之前。 I don't want to reinvent a wheel when there might be a good library out there already. 当可能已经有了一个好的图书馆时,我不想重新发明轮子。

I've played with this in the past: http://aquantum-demo.appspot.com/file-upload 我过去玩过这个游戏: http : //aquantum-demo.appspot.com/file-upload

Seemed reasonable for what I was doing. 对于我正在做的事情似乎很合理。

I use valums file uploader. 我使用valums文件上传器。 This uploads using ajax by default and provides a fallback (hidden iframe) if the browser doesn't support ajax uploads. 默认情况下,此文件使用ajax上传,如果浏览器不支持ajax上传,则提供备用(隐藏的iframe)。

http://valums.com/ajax-upload/ http://valums.com/ajax-upload/

The complete upload widget uses the File API for drag-and-drop support. 完整的上载小部件使用File API进行拖放支持。

Plupload: 上载:

http://www.plupload.com http://www.plupload.com

Has a total of 6 runtimes. 总共有6个运行时。

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