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[英]Email to multiple recipients via Postfix only being received by first address on the list

I am using the Python code at the bottom of this question to send the contents of a directory to a list of recipients held within a defined file. 我正在使用此问题底部的Python代码将目录的内容发送到已定义文件中包含的收件人列表。 Within this file individual addresses are separated by ; 在此文件中,各个地址之间用;分隔。 and are listed within a single string. 并在单个字符串中列出。 When submitting the command required all is sent without any recorded issue, but it transpires that the email message is only sent to the first named email address on the list. 提交所需的命令时,所有内容均已发送,没有任何已记录的问题,但是可以看出,该电子邮件仅发送到列表中第一个命名的电子邮件地址。

Having done some digging it seems as though the main.cf file for Postfix holds a recipient limit, with a default value of 1, which can restrict the recipient volumes. 完成一些挖掘后,Postfix的main.cf文件似乎拥有收件人限制,默认值为1,这可以限制收件人数量。 I have tried hashing the whole line out and also increasing the limit to 200, neither of which have any impact. 我尝试将整个行散列,并将限制增加到200,但这两个都不起作用。

# dovecot 1.1.1
dovecot_destination_recipient_limit = 200

When you look at the email from the single recipients point of view, all seems well so I have to think it is the Postfix / Dovecot sendmail part which is causing the issue? 当您从单个收件人的角度查看电子邮件时,一切似乎都很好,所以我不得不认为是导致问题的原因是Postfix / Dovecot sendmail部分? See example of message output to a file rather than being sent to smtp 请参阅将消息输出到文件而不是发送到smtp的示例

Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============7543504478351047681=="
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Malware submission
To: xxxxx@gmail.com;xxxxx@hotmail.com
From: me@yu.com

You will not see this in a MIME-aware mail reader.

Content-Type: application/zip
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="sample.zip"


The postfix mail log contains the following 后缀邮件日志包含以下内容

May 17 21:10:41 MacBook-Pro-2 postfix/qmgr[3816]: 3FB902C186A: from=<chris.parker@email.co.uk>, size=1004, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
May 17 21:10:42 MacBook-Pro-2 postfix/smtp[3855]: 3FB902C186A: to=<xxxxo@gmail.com>, relay=gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[]:25, delay=1.3, delays=0.01/0.01/0.57/0.75, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 OK 1305662986 k6si1621545wej.25)
May 17 21:10:42 MacBook-Pro-2 postfix/qmgr[3816]: 3FB902C186A: removed

Help please... 请帮助...

    #!/usr/bin/env python

"""Send the contents of a directory as a MIME message."""

import os
import sys
import smtplib
# For guessing MIME type based on file name extension
import mimetypes

from optparse import OptionParser

from email import encoders
from email.message import Message
from email.mime.audio import MIMEAudio
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText


def main():
parser = OptionParser(usage="""\
Send the contents of a directory as a MIME message.

Usage: %prog [options]

Unless the -o option is given, the email is sent by forwarding to your local
SMTP server, which then does the normal delivery process. Your local machine
must be running an SMTP server.
type='string', action='store')
parser.add_option('-o', '--output',
type='string', action='store', metavar='FILE',
help="""Print the composed message to FILE instead of
sending the message to the SMTP server.""")
parser.add_option('-s', '--sender',
type='string', action='store', metavar='SENDER',
help='The value of the From: header (required)')
parser.add_option('-r', '--recipient',
type='string', action='append', metavar='RECIPIENT',
default=[], dest='recipients'),
parser.add_option('-f', '--recipientfile',
type='string', action='store', metavar='RECIPIENT_FILE',
dest='recipient_file', default="",
help='A To: header value (a file containing this)')

opts, args = parser.parse_args()
if not opts.sender or not (opts.recipient_file or opts.recipients):
directory = opts.directory
if not directory:
    directory = '.'
# Create the enclosing (outer) message

    rec_file = open(opts.recipient_file)
    recipients = rec_file.read()
except IOError:
    print "/!\ Bad file. Falling back to recipent -r option"
    recipients = COMMASPACE.join(opts.recipients)

outer = MIMEMultipart()
outer['Subject'] = 'Malware submission'
outer['To'] = recipients
outer['From'] = opts.sender
outer.preamble = 'You will not see this in a MIME-aware mail reader.\n'

for filename in os.listdir(directory):
    path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
    if not os.path.isfile(path):
    # Guess the content type based on the file's extension. Encoding
    # will be ignored, although we should check for simple things like
    # gzip'd or compressed files.
    ctype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(path)
    if ctype is None or encoding is not None:
    # No guess could be made, or the file is encoded (compressed), so
    # use a generic bag-of-bits type.
        ctype = 'application/octet-stream'
    maintype, subtype = ctype.split('/', 1)
    if maintype == 'text':
        fp = open(path)
    # Note: we should handle calculating the charset
        msg = MIMEText(fp.read(), _subtype=subtype)
    elif maintype == 'image':
        fp = open(path, 'rb')
        msg = MIMEImage(fp.read(), _subtype=subtype)
    elif maintype == 'audio':
        fp = open(path, 'rb')
        msg = MIMEAudio(fp.read(), _subtype=subtype)
        fp = open(path, 'rb')
        msg = MIMEBase(maintype, subtype)
    # Encode the payload using Base64
    # Set the filename parameter
    msg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=filename)
# Now send or store the message
composed = outer.as_string()
if opts.output:
    fp = open(opts.output, 'w')
    #print "Sender : " + opts.sender + ", Recipients : " + recipients #DEBUG :- Check send and recipients are correct
    s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
    s.sendmail(opts.sender, recipients, composed)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Python code to generate email Python代码生成电子邮件

When you define your message, you should set the To list using a comma-separated list of recipients: 当你定义你的消息,你应该设置To使用逗号分隔的收件人列表列表:

recipients = 'foo, bar'
outer['To'] = recipients

However when you call sendmail() , you need to pass it the recipients as a list: 但是,当您调用sendmail() ,需要将收件人作为列表传递给它:

rcpts = [r.strip() for r in recipients.split(',') if r]
s.sendmail(sender, rcpts, composed)

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