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[英]Not able to call REST based web-service using AJAX(simple javascript) in PhoneGap for IPhone

Plz help, 请帮助

I am simply calling the Rest Based Web-Service in my new PhoneGap App for Iphone. 我只是在新的iPhone版PhoneGap应用中调用基于Rest的Web服务。

I am using the XCode 3.2.3 in which I have installed the PhoneGap framework and it works fine. 我正在使用XCode 3.2.3,其中已经安装了PhoneGap框架,并且工作正常。

Developed a simple javascript code which uses the AJAX. 开发了使用AJAX的简单javascript代码。 Below is the code. 下面是代码。

THis code works fine the in: IE, Morzilla and Safari Browser of my Mac Pc also on Safari browser of the Iphone Simulator but when I integrate this code in my PhoneGap app's index.html in www folder it doesn't give any response. 该代码可以在以下环境中正常工作:Mac PC的IE,Morzilla和Safari浏览器也可以在Iphone Simulator的Safari浏览器中使用,但是当我将此代码集成到www文件夹中PhoneGap应用的index.html中时,它不会给出任何响应。

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

    function callingRestBasedWebService()

        alert('In callingRestBasedWebService');

        var username = document.getElementById('usernameid').value;
        var password = document.getElementById('passwordid').value;
        var xmlhttp;
        if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
        {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
            xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
        {// code for IE6, IE5
            xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
            if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
                    var responseXML = xmlhttp.responseText;

                if (window.DOMParser)   //Creating DOM Object for Morzilla  for parsing XML
                    parser=new DOMParser();
                else // Internet Explorer   // Creating DOM object for IE for parsing XML
                    xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");

                    if(x[0].getElementsByTagName("status")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'Success')
                        alert('Login Successfull');

                    }else {
                        alert('Login Failed');




Username : <input type="text" name="username" id="usernameid"><br><br>
Password :<input type="text" name="password" id="passwordid"><br><br>
<input type="button" name="Login" value="Login" onClick="javascript:callingRestBasedWebService();">

Could someone help me out, and plz inform if I am wrong some where.. 有人可以帮助我吗,请在某些地方告诉我是否有误。

Thanks, MobileAppMaster 谢谢,MobileAppMaster

since "pc-a401115.patni.com" has no dns record I suspect that your iphone can not resolve the hostname which should lead to a very long timeout (properly one minute with phonegap) 由于“ pc-a401115.patni.com”没有DNS记录,我怀疑您的iPhone无法解析主机名,这将导致非常长的超时(使用phonegap大约一分钟)

Try using the ip address of your webserver instead. 请尝试使用您的网络服务器的IP地址。

If you use the latest version of phonegap, insert after head: 如果您使用最新版本的phonegap,请在头后面插入:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="phonegap.">

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