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C#使用文本框作为“发布” /“便笺”客户端事件

[英]C# using textbox as “post it” / “sticky memo” client side event

I want a textbox to act like a "post it" or "Sticky memo" just like widget Igoogle or Windows 7 widget. 我希望文本框像小部件Igoogle或Windows 7小部件一样充当“张贴”或“粘滞便笺”。

The idea: 这个想法:

 <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"> 

Every time that user types into the textbox it calls Javascript to save the text into cookies. 每次用户在文本框中键入内容时,都会调用Javascript将文本保存到Cookie中。

Could somebody give me a hint? 有人可以给我提示吗?

This is somewhat quick and dirty but will get you going. 这有点快速又肮脏,但可以助您一臂之力。

There's plenty of setCookie/getCookie JS snippets around the web. 网上有很多setCookie / getCookie JS片段。 I used these: 我用了这些:

http://www.dotnetspark.com/kb/1480-use-cookies-javascript-getcookie-setcookie.aspx http://www.dotnetspark.com/kb/1480-use-cookies-javascript-getcookie-setcookie.aspx

Teh code now: 现在代码:

<input type="text" id="txtMemo" />

<script type="text/javascript">

function setCookie(CookieName, CookieVal, CookieExp, CookiePath, CookieDomain, CookieSecure)
     var CookieText = escape(CookieName) + '=' + escape(CookieVal); //escape() : Encodes the String
    CookieText += (CookieExp ? '; EXPIRES=' + CookieExp.toGMTString() : '');
    CookieText += (CookiePath ? '; PATH=' + CookiePath : '');
    CookieText += (CookieDomain ? '; DOMAIN=' + CookieDomain : '');
    CookieText += (CookieSecure ? '; SECURE' : '');

    document.cookie = CookieText;

// This functions reads & returns the cookie value of the specified cookie (by cookie name) 
function getCookie(CookieName)
    var CookieVal = null;
    if(document.cookie)       //only if exists
           var arr = document.cookie.split((escape(CookieName) + '=')); 
           if(arr.length >= 2)
               var arr2 = arr[1].split(';');
               CookieVal  = unescape(arr2[0]); //unescape() : Decodes the String
    return CookieVal;

var memoCookieName = "txtMemo_value";
var memoElementId = "txtMemo";

var memoElement = document.getElementById(memoElementId);

memoElement.onkeyup = function() {
    setCookie(memoCookieName,this.value, new Date(new Date().getTime()+1000*60*60*24*30));


This will work with plain HTML. 这将适用于纯HTML。 In your case with ASP.NET markup and controls the ID property has a different meaning, so you need to make your JS aware of the actual client ID. 在使用ASP.NET标记和控件的情况下,ID属性具有不同的含义,因此您需要使JS知道实际的客户端ID。 This way for example: 这样,例如:

var memoCookieName = "txtMemo_value";
var memoElementId = "<%= TextBox1.ClientID %>";

var memoElement = document.getElementById(memoElementId);

Of course. 当然。 Play with "change" event: 玩“更改”事件:

It's just about using this event and update some cookie that you previously created with JavaScript too. 这只是有关使用此事件并更新您先前使用JavaScript创建的某些cookie。


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