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是否有任何用于自动生成的visual studio <meta>标签

[英]Is there any use for auto generated visual studio <meta> tags

We have an old project lying around with these <meta> tags in every page. 我们有一个旧项目,每个页面都包含这些<meta>标签。 This website is an intranet web application. 该网站是一个Intranet Web应用程序。

<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0" />
<meta name="CODE_LANGUAGE" content="C#" />
<meta name="vs_defaultClientScript" content="JavaScript" />
<meta name="vs_targetSchema" content="http://schemas.microsoft.com/intellisense/ie5" />
  • Do they have any value or use? 他们有任何价值或用途吗?
  • Is it safe to remove them? 删除它们是否安全?

I'm using VS2005 if that matters for the intellisense. 我正在使用VS2005,如果这对intellisense很重要。


I believe that the vs_defaultClientScript and vs_targetSchema are used for intelisense. 我相信vs_defaultClientScriptvs_targetSchema用于智能感知。 You can remove the other tags without any problems. 您可以毫无问题地删除其他标签。

On some machines it can cause slow loading of the page in IE 11, but it's not clear, on what it depends. 在某些机器上,它可能会导致IE 11中的页面加载速度缓慢,但目前尚不清楚它依赖于什么。 Just one user in the office had problems - had to wait 5 - 10 seconds for loading the page, which other users saw immediately... on same Win 7 and IE 11. I removed and it's OK. 只有一个用户在办公室有问题 - 必须等待5-10秒加载页面,其他用户立即看到...在相同的Win 7和IE 11.我删除,它没关系。

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