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[英]pyqt4: less round-about way of removing item from QListWidget?

I want to remove an item whose name I know. 我想删除一个我知道名字的物品。 I came up with: 我想出了:

item = lw.findItems(name, QtCore.Qt.MatchExactly)[0]

Is there any more direct way of doing this? 还有其他更直接的方法吗? Something closer to lw.removeItem(name) ? 更接近lw.removeItem(name)吗?

This leaves a bit of ambiguity for multiple entries with the same text. 这给具有相同文本的多个条目留下了一些歧义。 I would lean more toward something like 我会更倾向于

[ lw.takeItem( i ) for i in range( lw.count ) if lw.item( i ).text() == name ]

This will remove all items matching name from the list. 这将从列表中删除所有与名称匹配的项目。 If you only want to remove the first instance, you need to expand this into a full for-loop that breaks at the first match. 如果只想删除第一个实例,则需要将其扩展为一个完整的for循环,该循环会在第一个匹配项时中断。

Good luck! 祝好运!

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