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[英]Javascript shorthand

If I can say: 如果我可以说:

var big = (x > 10) ? true : false;

instead of: 代替:

var big;
if (x > 10) {
    big = true;
else {
    big = false;

how do I make this similarly shorter? 我该如何缩短它?

var now = new Date

if (now.getHours() < 5) {
    return "late night pick me up";
else if (now.getHours() < 9) {
    return "breakfast";
else if (now.getHours() < 13) {
    return "lunch";
else if (now.getHours() < 17) {
    return "afternoon snak";
else {
    return "dinner";

Thanks a big bunch! 非常感谢!

var now = new Date().getHours();

return now < 5 ? "late night pick me up" :
       now < 9 ? "breakfast" :
       now < 13 ? "lunch" :
       now < 17 ? "afternoon snak" : "dinner";

You can't, without a bunch of messy nested ternary operators. 如果没有一堆凌乱的嵌套三元运算符,你就不能。 The ternary operator is only good for one liners. 三元运算符仅适用于一个衬里。

You can't shorthand that particularly, personally I would just write it like this: 你不能简写,特别是,我个人会写这样:

if (now.getHours() < 5) return "late night pick me up";
else if (now.getHours() < 9) return "breakfast";
else if (now.getHours() < 13) return "lunch";
else if (now.getHours() < 17) return "afternoon snak";
else return "dinner";

That's not too bad is it? 这不是太糟糕了吗?

You probably don't want to, as arguably it would be less readable. 你可能不想,因为可以说它不那么可读。 However, you could simply nest the ternary operator like so: 但是,您可以简单地嵌套三元运算符,如下所示:

var now = (now.getHours() < 5) ? "late night pick me up" : ((now.getHours() < 9) ? "breakfast" : ((now.getHours() < 13) ? "lunch" : ((now.getHours() < 17) ? "afternoon snack" : "dinner")))));

I hope you can see why this isn't a good idea! 我希望你能明白为什么这不是个好主意!

A longer, more complex condition like this generally needs multiple lines and good block separation to be easily understandable - and while you could arguably add line breaks, the standard if-else blocks are ultimately going to come out the winner at clearly expressing your intent. 这样一个更长,更复杂的条件通常需要多行和良好的块分离才能容易理解 - 虽然你可以说可以添加换行符,但标准的if-else块最终会成为明确表达你意图的赢家。

First, try var big = x > 10; 首先,尝试var big = x > 10; instead of var big = (x > 10) ? true : false; 而不是var big = (x > 10) ? true : false; var big = (x > 10) ? true : false;

Second, you don't need if-else when you have return. 其次,当你返回时,你不需要if-else。

//looks  a little confusing, but you can move the return to line after ifs
var now = new Date  
if (now.getHours() < 5)  return "late night pick me up"; 
if (now.getHours() < 9)  return "breakfast";
if (now.getHours() < 13) return "lunch";
if (now.getHours() < 17) return "afternoon snak";
return "dinner"; 

I stumbled across this in search for something else. 我偶然发现了这个,寻找别的东西。 Here's a little shorthand trick using logical operators and abusing the fact string literals are truthy =] 这是一个使用逻辑运算符和滥用事实的简写技巧字符串文字是truthy =]

var hr = new Date().getHours();

return hr < 5 && 'late night pick me up' 
    || hr < 9 && 'breakfast' 
    || hr < 13 && 'lunch' 
    || hr < 17 && 'afternoon snack' 
    || 'dinner';

It will look quite messy: 看起来很乱:

return ((now.getHours() < 5)?"late night pick me up":
         ((now.getHours() < 9)?"breakfast":
            ((now.getHours() < 13)?"lunch":
               ((now.getHours() < 17)?"afternoon snack":

You have to remember to match parenthesis. 你必须记住匹配括号。

You could always use a switch statement: 您始终可以使用switch语句:

case (now.getHours() < 5):
  return "late night pick me up";
case (now.getHours() < 9):
  return "breakfast";
  break;  //etc...
  return "dinner";

You can always use a table to replicate functionality: 您始终可以使用表来复制功能:

var now = new Date();
var meals = [
    "late night pick me up",
    "afernoon snack",
return meals[parseInt(now.getHours()-4)/4];

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