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[英]Sending output to logfile or STDOUT

I am trying to come up with some logic to give my script an option of where to send the output. 我正在尝试提出一些逻辑,以使我的脚本可以选择将输出发送到哪里。

This is a test script I started to write, I started to fizzle out trying to think of the combonations of the two options. 这是我开始编写的测试脚本,我开始尝试解决这两个选项的组合问题。 I know I am overthinking this too much. 我知道我对此考虑过多。

use strict;
use warnings;

# Modules to load
use Getopt::Long;
use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);

my $output = 0;

my $logfile = '';


    'o' => \$output,
    'l' => \$logfile


if (($output == 1) && (! $logfile eq '')){

} elsif (($output == 0)($logfile eq '')){


If this is of any use be my guest. 如果这有什么用,请成为我的客人。

Pretty much I want 3 options 我几乎想要3个选择

0 = off 1 = stdout 2 = logfile 0 =关闭1 =标准输出2 =日志文件

Where I threw a bit of a wrench at myself if when I wanted to add a custom logfile argument. 如果我想添加自定义日志文件参数,那会给我带来一些麻烦。 I am under the impression I cannot combine the 2 arg into the same arg, can I? 我的印象是我无法将2个arg合并为同一个arg,可以吗?

The places where I will have output to write, I will control with simple if statments based on a condition, in my first interation which just allows for output to stdout. 在那里我将有输出,写入的地方,我会用简单的控制if根据条件statments,在我的第一个互为作用刚刚允许输出到标准输出。 I just used the -o option and specified 0 or 1 . 我只使用了-o选项并指定了01 If it was 1 it wrote the line, if it was 0 it did not. 如果为1,则写入行;如果为0,则不行。

If any has an easier solution than the one above I am open to anything. 如果有比上述解决方案更简单的解决方案,那么我愿意接受任何解决方案。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

I would use $verbose as an option, and an optional $logfile . 我将使用$verbose作为选项,以及一个可选的$logfile So, if $verbose is set, you print, if $logfile is set, you print to the log. 因此,如果设置了$verbose ,则进行打印;如果设置了$logfile ,则将打印至日志。

Then use: 然后使用:

if ($logfile) {
    open STDOUT, '>', $logfile or die $!;
print "Yada\n" if $verbose;

Or for simplicity: 或为简单起见:

sub myprint {
    return unless $verbose;
    print @_;

In the vein of TLP I suggest a $verbose and a $logfile option, I would also recommend that $verbose be implicitly set to true if $logfile is used. 在TLP的静脉我建议$verbose$logfile选项,我也建议$verbose隐式地设置为true,如果$logfile被使用。 Use $verbose to control print commands as usual. 照常使用$verbose控制print命令。 The big magic is to use select to control where the print sends its output if no filehandle is given. 如果没有提供文件句柄,最大的魔术就是使用select来控制print输出的输出位置。

use strict;
use warnings;

# Modules to load
use Getopt::Long;
use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);

my $verbose = 0;
my $logfile;


    'verbose' => \$verbose,
    'logfile=s' => \$logfile,


if (defined $logfile) {
  $verbose = 1;
  open my $log_handle, '>', $logfile or die "Could not open $logfile";
  # select makes print point to LOGFILE 

# do stuff

print "Stuff" if $verbose;

Also since Getopt::Long gives you long options, I have changed the options names to the human readable verbose and logfile , however you can use short -v or long --verbose to your taste. 同样,由于Getopt::Long为您提供了长选项,因此我将选项名称更改为可读的verboselogfile ,但是您可以根据需要使用short -v或long --verbose

Ok, first off, forgive me if this syntax is wrong. 好的,首先,如果此语法错误,请原谅我。 Its been a LONG time since I've done any perl, so take this more as a "do this sortof thing" rather than a "copy and paste my answer". 自完成任何Perl以来,这已经是很长的时间了,因此,将其更多地看作是“做这种事情”,而不是“复制并粘贴我的答案”。 With that said, I'd probably just do this: 话虽如此,我可能只会这样做:

use strict;
use warnings;

# Modules to load
use Getopt::Long;
use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);

my $output = 0;
my $logfile = '';


    'o' => \$output,
    'l' => \$logfile


if (($output == 1) && (! $logfile eq '')){
    open STDOUT, $logfile
} elsif (($output == 0)($logfile eq '')){
    open STDOUT, "/dev/null"

... (do stuff normally here)

All I am doing is changing where STDOUT is going by either sending it to the log file or sending it to /dev/null 我要做的就是通过将STDOUT发送到日志文件或将其发送到/dev/null来更改STDOUT的运行方向

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