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[英]How to set CTreeCtrl's item height with different value?

My need my tree control to have different items' height? 我需要树控件具有不同的项目高度吗? How can I do it? 我该怎么做? I try to handle MEASUREITEM but it doesnt work. 我尝试处理MEASUREITEM,但不起作用。 CTreeCtrl::SetItemHeight() changes item height but for all items. CTreeCtrl :: SetItemHeight()更改项目高度,但适用于所有项目。

Very good question... To be honest, I don't think it's possible. 很好的问题...老实说,我认为不可能。 At least not without doing the drawing of the tree yourself (which you probably don't want to do as it's a lot of work). 至少没有自己绘制树的情况(您可能不想这样做,因为这是很多工作)。

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