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[英]How to integrate silverlight into aspx?

I have created a Silverlight application now I want to embed it into my aspx page. 我已经创建了一个Silverlight应用程序,我想将它嵌入到我的aspx页面中。 Is there any video tutorial for this, which explains how to integrate silverlight in aspx page? 有没有这方面的视频教程,它解释了如何在aspx页面中集成silverlight?

In your web project, make sure you've included a reference to the silverlight application so the .xap file will be in the clientbin folder. 在您的Web项目中,请确保您已包含对silverlight应用程序的引用,以便.xap文件位于clientbin文件夹中。

Right-click on your web project and select Properties. 右键单击Web项目,然后选择“属性”。 Select the Silverlight Applications tab on the left. 选择左侧的Silverlight Applications选项卡。 Click the Add... button and select your existing Silverlight project. 单击添加...按钮,然后选择现有的Silverlight项目。 Also, check the box that says, "Add a test page that references the control" and VS will include a new .ASPX page that will have the code to reference the Silverlight control. 此外,选中“添加引用控件的测试页”复选框,VS将包含一个新的.ASPX页面,其中包含引用Silverlight控件的代码。

Note: this assumes the silverlight project and the web project are in the same solution. 注意:这假设silverlight项目和Web项目在同一解决方案中。 I assume they are.. 我猜他们是......

下面是一个如何在aspx页面中嵌入图表控件的示例: http//demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/chart/examples/silverlight/defaultcs.aspx

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