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C# MySQL 超时问题

[英]C# MySQL timeout issues

I'm having MySQL timeout issues with a query i'm running.我正在运行查询时遇到 MySQL 超时问题。 It's a simple query, but even in a MySQL editor it takes 5 minutes or so to complete.这是一个简单的查询,但即使在 MySQL 编辑器中也需要 5 分钟左右才能完成。 I'm hoping you guys might know a better method to fix this timeout issue.我希望你们可能知道解决此超时问题的更好方法。

            string processedCONString = "SERVER=localhost;" +
                                   "DATABASE=discovery;" +
                                   "UID=;" +
                                   "connection timeout=500000";
        MySqlConnection processCON = new MySqlConnection(processedCONString);
        string mySQLCOMMAND = "update "+ siteString+"_discovery "+
            "set processed = b'0' "
            +"WHERE URL not in (select URL from live)";
        MySqlCommand mysqlprocessCmdInsertItem = new MySqlCommand(mySQLCOMMAND, processCON);

Yes the UID and Password are left blank here but not in code.是的,UID 和密码在这里留空,但不在代码中。

Also, as this database grows the query is going to take longer and longer.此外,随着该数据库的增长,查询将花费越来越长的时间。

Try indexing the URL column in the table returned by siteString + "_discovery ".尝试在 siteString + "_discovery " 返回的表中索引 URL 列。


Also be aware that the order you specify statements in your where clauses and INNER JOIN s are very important.另请注意,您在 where 子句和 INNER JOIN 中指定语句的顺序非常重要。 You want to be conscious of when your statement is going to cause an operation to be performed for each row or if it will be done ahead of time and then applied to the rows.您想知道您的语句何时会导致对每一行执行操作,或者是否会提前完成然后将其应用于行。 There are several rules for this that have been well documented online.有几条规则已经在网上有很好的记录。 The other answers offer some good advice here.其他答案在这里提供了一些很好的建议。 In addition, when I worked at a large agency, I always ran my SQL scripts past our dba who would then strongly chastise me and complain about how software developers are always breaking his m* ** f*** database.此外,当我在一家大型机构工作时,我总是通过我们的 dba 运行我的 SQL 脚本,然后他们会强烈批评我并抱怨软件开发人员如何总是破坏他的 m* ** f***数据库。 If you have someone like that, they are usually a great help as they have all of these rules memorized and we do not.如果你有这样的人,他们通常会很有帮助,因为他们记住了所有这些规则,而我们没有。

Google: "sql query best practices" and you will find a plethora of information.谷歌:“sql 查询最佳实践”,你会发现大量的信息。 Here is one link,这是一个链接,

http://blog.sqlauthority.com/2009/01/20/sql-server-rules-for-optimizining-any-query-best-practices-for-query-optimization/ http://blog.sqlauthority.com/2009/01/20/sql-server-rules-for-optimizining-any-query-best-practices-for-query-optimization/

Jonathan Henson answer is a good option +1 to that.乔纳森汉森的回答是一个不错的选择+1。

If that is still not enough you could try processing it by parts.如果这还不够,您可以尝试分部分处理。 Imagine you have an ID, you could place your code inside a cicle and process 1000 (or the number you find appropriate) items in each iteration.假设您有一个 ID,您可以将您的代码放在一个 cicle 中,并在每次迭代中处理 1000 个(或您认为合适的数量)项目。

I know this thread is ancient, and Mohgeroth was on the right track, but for mysql, the query would look like this...我知道这个线程很古老,Mohgeroth 走在正确的轨道上,但是对于 mysql,查询看起来像这样......

update siteX_discovery
left join live on live.URL = siteX_discovery.URL
set processed = b'0'
where live.URL is null

Of course, as Jonathan pointed out, you need the index or it will be slow no matter what you do.当然,正如乔纳森指出的那样,您需要索引,否则无论您做什么都会很慢。

All by itself, the index will be good enough for quite a while, but if your table gets large, eliminating that subquery will make a noticeable difference.就其本身而言,索引在相当长的一段时间内就足够了,但如果您的表变大,消除该子查询将产生明显的差异。

Maybe I'm reaching but try this sql...也许我到达了,但试试这个 sql ......

"UPDATE " + siteString + "_discovery as d                 " +
"   SET d.processed = b'0'                                " +
" WHERE d.URL IN (SELECT URL from live where URL = d.URL) ";

Rather than evaluate the entire select in the subquery, filter it so that your not returning every row while trying to evaluate the where condition in the parent statement.与其在子查询中评估整个 select ,不如对其进行过滤,以便在尝试评估父语句中的 where 条件时不会返回每一行。

Although, the subquery is going to run for every single row that returns so we should probably remove the subquery altogether and let a join take care of this.虽然,子查询将为返回的每一行运行,所以我们可能应该完全删除子查询并让连接来处理这个问题。 Since we only want to do this for URL's that we can find in the LIVE table, joining onto them should be cake to flatten out the subquery...由于我们只想对我们可以在 LIVE 表中找到的 URL 执行此操作,因此加入它们应该是平展子查询的小菜一碟……

"UPDATE d                                  " +
"   SET d.processed = b'0'                 " +
"  FROM " + siteString + "_discovery as d  " +
"  JOIN live as l                          " +
"    ON d.URL = l.URL";

This particular update was tested on SQL Server, not MySql but you may have to tweak the order of events to convert this, I'm not 100% sure, can anyone confirm?此特定更新是在 SQL 服务器上测试的,而不是 MySql 但您可能需要调整事件的顺序才能转换它,我不是 100% 确定,有人可以确认吗?

If you're annoyed by the exception, then如果您对异常感到恼火,那么


might help (or another big number for timeout).可能会有所帮助(或超时的另一个大数字)。 Command timeout 30 seconds default (only time spent in network read counts).命令超时默认为 30 秒(仅花费在网络读取计数上的时间)。

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