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系统范围的 RVM 替换加载在不同架构上的主目录

[英]System-wide RVM to replace a home directory loaded on different architectures

I saw some questions like this already, but it seems that system-wide RVM has been deprecated, so none of the answers apply.我已经看到了一些这样的问题,但似乎系统范围的 RVM 已被弃用,因此没有任何答案适用。

I have an NFS-mounted home directory which is accessible to me when I login to any number of different machines in our lab.我有一个 NFS 挂载的主目录,当我登录到我们实验室中任意数量的不同机器时,我可以访问它。 As such, a locally-compiled Ruby will break when I try to use it on these different machines -- as they have different architectures.因此,当我尝试在这些不同的机器上使用本地编译的 Ruby 时,它会中断——因为它们具有不同的架构。

I installed RVM as superuser, but I can't figure out how to direct my regular user account to use the superuser-selected Ruby.我以超级用户身份安装了 RVM,但我不知道如何指导我的常规用户帐户使用超级用户选择的 Ruby。 Instead it always tries to use the one in ~/bin .相反,它总是尝试使用~/bin中的那个。

What is the appropriate way to select the global Ruby? select 全局 Ruby 的合适方法是什么?

I struggled with this same issue for quite a while.我在同样的问题上挣扎了很长一段时间。 I ended up doing the following:我最终做了以下事情:

Install rvm with the following command line (note: the --path option is not mentioned in the usage, so I don't know how supported it is, but it worked for me), with the appropriate architecture in the path:使用以下命令行安装 rvm(注意:使用中没有提到 --path 选项,所以我不知道它的支持程度,但它对我有用),路径中有适当的架构:

rvm-installer --path ~/tools/x86_64/rvm --version latest

Install for whatever architectures you want to be able to support.安装您希望能够支持的任何架构。 (note: make sure you don't have a.rvmrc file overriding the path, especially during the second install.) (注意:确保您没有覆盖路径的 .rvmrc 文件,尤其是在第二次安装期间。)

Then add the following to your.bashrc/.bash_profile:然后将以下内容添加到 your.bashrc/.bash_profile:

OS=$(uname -s)
if [[ $OS = Linux ]] ; then
>   ARCH=$(uname -m | sed 's/i.86/i686/')
elif [[ $OS = FreeBSD ]] ; then
>   ARCH=$(uname -m | sed 's/i.86/i686/')
elif [[ $OS = Darwin ]] ; then
>   ARCH=mac
>   ARCH=unknown
export ARCH

There will be a line added by the installer in your.bash_profile that sets up the rvm function, change it to look like this:安装程序将在 your.bash_profile 中添加一行设置 rvm function,将其更改为如下所示:

[[ -s "$HOME/tools/$ARCH/rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/tools/$ARCH/rvm/scripts/rvm" 

You should also edit your.rvmrc file to have the following:您还应该编辑您的 .rvmrc 文件以具有以下内容:

export rvm_path="$HOME/tools/$ARCH/rvm"

I haven't had time to fully test out this setup, but at least it appears to be invoking the correct version of RVM on the different platforms.我还没有时间完全测试这个设置,但至少它似乎在不同平台上调用了正确版本的 RVM。

Good luck!祝你好运!

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