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如何使用 PDO 和 SQL 服务器获取最后插入行的 ID?

[英]How can I get the ID of the last INSERTed row using PDO with SQL Server?

Under other circumstances I might be tempted to use在其他情况下,我可能会想使用

$result = mssql_query("INSERT INTO table (fields) VALUES (data); 
                       SELECT CAST(scope_identity() AS int)");

but as I will be inserting user-submitted data, I want to continue to use PDO, which returns an empty array.但由于我将插入用户提交的数据,我想继续使用 PDO,它返回一个空数组。

Unfortunately, I'm running PHP on a Linux server and using dblib to interface with Microsoft SQL Server, which doesn't support PDO::lastInsertID() . Unfortunately, I'm running PHP on a Linux server and using dblib to interface with Microsoft SQL Server, which doesn't support PDO::lastInsertID() .

Please help!请帮忙!

Update to include code example更新以包含代码示例

Here's the code I'm using: col1 is a field of type int identity and col2 is a datetime with a default of getdate() .这是我正在使用的代码: col1 是int identity类型的字段, col2 是默认为getdate()datetime时间。

//  Connect to db with PDO
$pdo = new PDO( 'dblib:host=' . $host . ';dbname=' . $database . ';', $username, $password, array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION) );
//  Connect to db with MSSQL
$sql = mssql_connect( $host, $username, $password );
mssql_select_db( $database, $sql );
//  Create SQL statement
$query = "INSERT INTO [table] ( col3, col4, col5 )
          VALUES ( 'str1', 'str2', 'str3' );
//  Run with MSSQL
echo "Using MSSQL...\n";
$result = mssql_query( $query );
$the_id = mssql_result( $result, 0, 'theID' );
echo "Query OK. Returned ID is " . $the_id . "\n";
// Run with PDO
echo "\nUsing PDO...\n";
$stmt = $pdo->query( $query );
$result = $stmt->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC );
print_r( $result );

And this is what was displayed:这就是显示的内容:

Using MSSQL...
Query OK. Returned ID is 149

Using PDO...

I would love to find out that I'd done something stupid, rather than come up against a horrible dead end:)我很想知道我做了一些愚蠢的事情,而不是遇到可怕的死胡同:)

You've got a few choices:你有几个选择:

SELECT @@IDENTITY - return the last ID created by actions of the current connection, regardless of table/scope

SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() - last ID produced by the current connection, in scope, regardless of table

SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('name_of_table'); - last ID produced on that table, regardless of table/scope/connection

Of the three, SCOPE_IDENTITY() is the best candidate.在这三个中,SCOPE_IDENTITY() 是最好的候选者。

Maybe you are getting two rowsets returned.也许您正在返回两个行集。 Try adding SET NOCOUNT ON;尝试添加 SET NOCOUNT ON; to eliminate the INSERT's rowset, or use $stmt->nextRowset if your driver supports it.消除 INSERT 的行集,或使用 $stmt->nextRowset 如果您的驱动程序支持它。

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