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在 Ruby On Rails 3 中使用 ActiveRecord

[英]Using ActiveRecord in Ruby On Rails 3

I have 3 models, Customer, Package and location.我有 3 个模型,客户,Package 和位置。

The customer logs in, and can view a timeline of locations for his packages.客户登录后,可以查看其包裹的位置时间线。

class Location < ActiveRecord::Base

def find_all_by_customer(customer)
  self.joins(:packages => :customer).where("customers.id = ?", customer).select("DISTINCT(locations.id), locations.name, locations.created_at")

returns the customer all the locations for all his packages, so they can be displayed on the timeline.返回客户所有包裹的所有位置,以便它们可以显示在时间线上。

The part I am struggling with, is then displaying the package number/s next to each of these locations.然后,我正在努力解决的部分是在每个这些位置旁边显示 package 编号/秒。 The problem is the package numbers are dependant on both the current_user, and the location.问题是 package 数字取决于 current_user 和位置。

<% @locations.each do |location| %>
  <%= location.name %>
  <%= # Want to display all package numbers in this location for the logged in user. %>
<% end %>

You should be able to do something like location.package.reference_number , if your associations are setup correctly.如果您的关联设置正确,您应该能够执行诸如location.package.reference_number之类的操作。

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