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Lisp 是否有类似 Haskell 的 takeWhile function 的东西?

[英]Does Lisp have something like Haskell's takeWhile function?

I'm new to Common Lisp.我是 Common Lisp 的新手。 In Haskell, you can do a little something like this:在 Haskell 中,您可以执行以下操作:

Prelude> takeWhile (<= 10) [k | k <- [1..]]

Is this possible in Lisp?这在 Lisp 中可行吗? Not necessarily with an infinite list, but with any list.不一定是无限列表,而是任何列表。

You could use LOOP :你可以使用LOOP

(setq *l1* (loop for x from 1 to 100 collect x))
(loop for x in *l1* while (<= x 10) collect x)

If you really need it as a separate function:如果你真的需要它作为单独的 function:

(defun take-while (pred list)
  (loop for x in list
        while (funcall pred x)
        collect x))

And here we are:我们在这里:

T1> (take-while (lambda (x) (<= x 10)) *l1*)
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

But if we compare:但是如果我们比较:

(loop for x in *l1* while (<= x 10) collect x)
(take-while (lambda (x) (<= x 10)) *l1*)

I think I would just stick with loop.我想我会坚持使用循环。

For infinite sequences, you could take a look at Series :对于无限序列,您可以查看Series

T1> (setq *print-length* 20)
T1> (setq *l1* (scan-range :from 1))
#Z(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...)
T1> (until-if (lambda (x) (> x 10)) *l1*)
#Z(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

This should do...这应该做...

(defun take-while (list test)
  (and list (funcall test (car list))
       (cons (car list) (take-while (cdr list) test))))

(take-while '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15) (lambda (x) (< x 10)))
--> (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

However this "natural" implementation is not tail-recursive and could crash for big lists.然而,这种“自然”实现不是尾递归的,并且可能会因大列表而崩溃。

An explicit push-nreverse approach (a common pattern) could be一个明确的 push-nreverse 方法(一种常见的模式)可以是

(defun take-while (list test)
  (do ((res nil))
      ((or (null list) (not (funcall test (car list))))
         (nreverse res))
    (push (car list) res)
    (setf list (cdr list))))

A recursive (but tail-recursive, therefore probably ok with most CL implementations) could IMO be the following:递归(但尾递归,因此可能适用于大多数 CL 实现)可以 IMO 如下:

(defun take-while (list test)
  (labels ((rec (res x)
             (if (and x (funcall test (car x)))
                 (rec (cons (car x) res) (cdr x))
                 (nreverse res))))
    (rec nil list)))

Note that however it's not guaranteed that a common lisp implementation will handle tail-call optimizations.请注意,但不能保证通用 lisp 实现将处理尾调用优化。

The CL-LAZY library implements lazy calling for Common Lisp and provides a take-while function that is laziness aware. CL-LAZY 库实现了 Common Lisp 的延迟调用,并提供了一个可感知延迟的 function。 You can install it with Quicklisp and try it out.您可以使用Quicklisp安装它并尝试一下。

Some languages provide a Haskell-style list API as 3rd party libraries, with or without support for infinite streams.某些语言提供 Haskell 样式列表 API 作为 3rd 方库,支持或不支持无限流。

Some examples:一些例子:

Remember that takeWhile is relatively easy to implement over a sequence, and is given in Haskell as:请记住,在序列上实现takeWhile相对容易,在 Haskell 中给出如下:

takeWhile _ []          =  []
takeWhile p (x:xs)
            | p x       =  x : takeWhile p xs
            | otherwise =  []

You can have a lazy evaluation in common lisp using closures (from Paul Graham's On Lisp ):您可以使用闭包(来自Paul Graham 的 On Lisp )在 common lisp 中进行惰性评估:

(defun lazy-right-fold (comb &optional base)
  "Lazy right fold on lists."
  (labels ((rec (lst)
             (if (null lst)
                 (funcall comb
                          (car lst)
                          #'(lambda () (rec (cdr lst)))))))

Then, take-while becomes:然后,take-while 变成:

(defun take-while (pred lst)
  (lazy-right-fold #'(lambda (x f) (
                       (if (test x)
                           (cons x (funcall f))
                           (funcall f)))

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