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如何在GTK +中更改任意小部件的颜色?

[英]How do I change the colors of an arbitrary widget in GTK+?

If I'm writing an application that wants to communicate some information through the use of color, how can I change the background and foreground colors of a given widget? 如果我正在编写一个想要通过使用颜色来传达某些信息的应用程序,我该如何更改给定窗口小部件的背景和前景色? I would like to know how to do this in glade if it's possible, as well as programmatically (to a computed color). 如果可能的话,我想知道如何在林间空地中做到这一点,以及以编程方式(对于计算的颜色)。

I want to know how to do this to a complex widget as well, for example, an HBox that contains a VBox that contains some Labels . 我想知道如何对复杂的小部件执行此操作,例如,包含包含一些LabelsVBoxHBox

Ideally this would also include a solution solution that allows me to tint the widget's existing colors, and identify the average colors of any images in use by the theme, so that I can programmatically compensate for any color choices which might make text unreadable or otherwise clashing - but I would be happy if I could just turn a button red. 理想情况下,这还包括一个解决方案解决方案,允许我为小部件的现有颜色着色 ,并识别主题使用的任何图像的平均颜色,以便我可以编程方式补偿任何可能使文本无法读取或以其他方式发生冲突的颜色选择 - 但如果我能把按钮变成红色,我会很高兴的。

Example program: 示例程序:

#include <gtk/gtk.h>

static void on_destroy(GtkWidget* widget, gpointer data)
        gtk_main_quit ();

int main (int argc, char* argv[])
        GtkWidget* window;
        GtkWidget* button;

        gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
        window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT (window), "destroy",
                G_CALLBACK (on_destroy), NULL);
        button = gtk_button_new_with_label("Hello world!");
        GdkColor red = {0, 0xffff, 0x0000, 0x0000};
        GdkColor green = {0, 0x0000, 0xffff, 0x0000};
        GdkColor blue = {0, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xffff};
        gtk_widget_modify_bg(button, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &red);
        gtk_widget_modify_bg(button, GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT, &green);
        gtk_widget_modify_bg(button, GTK_STATE_ACTIVE, &blue);
        gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), button);
        return 0;

我所知道的最好的文档是这里提供的文档: http//ometer.com/gtk-colors.html

You can always use gtk_widget_override_color () and gtk_widget_override_background_color () . 您始终可以使用gtk_widget_override_color()gtk_widget_override_background_color() These two functions allow you to change the color of a widget. 这两个函数允许您更改窗口小部件的颜色。 But it is better to use CSS classes and regions in your widget/container implementation through gtk_style_context_add_class() and gtk_style_context_add_region() . 但最好通过gtk_style_context_add_class()gtk_style_context_add_region()在窗口小部件/容器实现中使用CSS类和区域。

To modify the color of a widget you can initialize a color and use it to modify the color of the widget: 要修改窗口小部件的颜色,您可以初始化颜色并使用它来修改窗口小部件的颜色:

GdkColor color;
gdk_color_parse("#00FF7F", &color);
gtk_widget_modify_bg(widget, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);

To use an image instead of color: 要使用图像而不是颜色:

GdkPixbuf *image = NULL;
GdkPixmap *background = NULL;
GtkStyle *style = NULL;

image = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file ("background.jpg", NULL);
gdk_pixbuf_render_pixmap_and_mask (image, &background, NULL, 0);
style = gtk_style_new ();
style->bg_pixmap [0] = background;

gtk_widget_set_style (GTK_WIDGET(widget), GTK_STYLE (style));

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