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将变量发送到另一个 function

[英]Sending a variable to another function

I have these 2 functions and would like 1 to execute the other with a specified variable:我有这 2 个函数,并希望 1 用指定的变量执行另一个:

function ckbmovestate() {
    $(this).css("-webkit-transform", "translate(53px, 0px)")


function initcheckbox(){
    var togglebox = "<div class='toggle_box'><div class='switch'></div></div>";
        $(this).find('.switch').attr('data-state', 'on');
    $('fieldset:not(:has(:checkbox:checked))').find('.switch').attr('data-state', 'off');


As you might guess, this does not work.正如您可能猜到的那样,这不起作用。 Question is why?问题是为什么? Could you give me a quick course on variable handling?你能给我一个关于变量处理的快速课程吗? Thanks guys, I know you are the best!谢谢大家,我知道你们是最棒的!

The simplest option is to define your function to take a parameter:最简单的选择是定义您的 function 以获取参数:

function ckbmovestate(element) {
    $(element).css("-webkit-transform", "translate(53px, 0px)")

You can then call this with ckbmovestate(this) from your code.然后,您可以使用代码中的ckbmovestate(this)调用它。

If you really want to be able to use the this keyword within a function when it's called, you can do so.如果您真的希望能够在调用 function 时使用this关键字,您可以这样做。 It's not worth it here, but there may come a time when you want to do this.在这里不值得,但可能会有一段时间你想这样做。 To achieve this, you need to make use of call or apply .为此,您需要使用callapply Here, either would work:在这里,任何一个都可以工作:


This sends the value of someElement to ckbmovestate .这会将someElement的值发送到ckbmovestate Inside ckbmovestate , you will be able to access the value using the keyword this .ckbmovestate中,您将能够使用关键字this访问该值。 So in you code above, the following call would work:因此,在您上面的代码中,以下调用将起作用:


This is almost certainly overcomplicating things for this situation, however -- much easier to define a parameter.但是,对于这种情况,这几乎肯定会使事情变得过于复杂——定义参数要容易得多。

because you don't accept an argument in ckbmovestate因为您不接受 ckbmovestate 中的参数

your ckbmovestate function should look like this if you don't want to change too much of your code:如果您不想更改太多代码,您的 ckbmovestate function 应该如下所示:

function ckbmovestate(element){
   element.css("-webkit-transform", "translate(53px, 0px)");

If you often use the ckbmovestate function, I suggest you make your own little plugin of it, which you do like this;如果你经常使用ckbmovestate function,我建议你自己做一个小插件,你这样做;

$.fn.ckbmovestate = function(){
   $(this).css("-webkit-transform", "translate(53px, 0px)");

than, in the jquery each loop in your code in the question, you can write this:比,在 jquery 问题中代码中的每个循环中,您可以这样写:

        $(this).find('.switch').attr('data-state', 'on')

Change the function to use a parameter.更改 function 以使用参数。

function ckbmovestate( x ) {
    x.css("-webkit-transform", "translate(53px, 0px)")

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