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如何创建在 Azure 中运行的反向代理?

[英]How do I create a reverse proxy that runs in Azure?

We have a static WordPress website that we would like to be able to scale ad-hoc.我们有一个 static WordPress 网站,我们希望能够临时扩展。

In the long term we will move the site to eg.从长远来看,我们将把网站移到例如。 Umbraco CMS, but right now we would like to put in an Reverse Proxy frontend that takes the load of the current site. Umbraco CMS,但现在我们想放入一个反向代理前端来承担当前站点的负载。

We have tried writing out own HttpHandler (like this http://www.codeproject.com/KB/web-security/HTTPReverseProxy.aspx ), but we want a more robust solutions that handles caching out of the box, HTTP redirects (301, 302) etc.我们已经尝试编写自己的 HttpHandler(如http://www.codeproject.com/KB/web-security/HTTPReverseProxy.aspx ),但我们想要一个更强大的解决方案来处理开箱即用的缓存,HTTP 重定向(301 , 302) 等。

We would like to be able to host this in a standard Azure WebRole, so we can spin up as many roles as needed.... that is, it should be configurable in web.config or by using a small simple startup task (*.cmd file).我们希望能够在标准的 Azure WebRole 中托管它,这样我们就可以根据需要启动尽可能多的角色......也就是说,它应该可以在 web.config 中进行配置,或者通过使用一个小的简单启动任务(* .cmd 文件)。

Does anyone know of a solution for this?有谁知道这个的解决方案?

You can use Application Request Routing (ARR).您可以使用应用程序请求路由 (ARR)。 Take a look here:看看这里:

http://things.smarx.com/#Install Application Request Routing http://things.smarx.com/#Install应用请求路由

Also watch how Steve configured it as a reverse proxy in his talk from MIX:还可以在 MIX 的演讲中观看 Steve 如何将其配置为反向代理:

http://channel9.msdn.com/events/MIX/MIX11/SVC04 http://channel9.msdn.com/events/MIX/MIX11/SVC04

Also take a look at http://smarxrole.codeplex.com , which does this.另请查看http://smarxrole.codeplex.com ,它可以做到这一点。

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