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SQLAlchemy:filter_by 在外部属性上带有 like()

[英]SQLAlchemy: filter_by with like() on foreign attribute

I have the following models:我有以下型号:

class CRRun(Base):
    crID = Column(u'CR_ID', INTEGER(), ForeignKey(CR.id), primary_key=True,
    cr = relationship(CR, backref=backref("CR_RUN", uselist=False))

class CR(Base):
    id = Column(u'CR_ID', INTEGER(), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
    state = Column(u'STATE', VARCHAR(20))

I am then trying to do the following:然后我尝试执行以下操作:

state = 'some value'
crsRuns = Session.query(CRRun)
crsRuns = crsRuns.options(eagerload('cr'))
                 .filter(CRRun.cr != None)
                 .filter(CRRun.cr.state.like('%' + state + '%'))

However, this causes the following error:但是,这会导致以下错误:

AttributeError: Neither 'InstrumentedAttribute' object nor 'Comparator' object has an attribute 'state' AttributeError: 'InstrumentedAttribute' object 和 'Comparator' object 都没有属性 'state'

How can I filter my query by the value of a column in a table that's connected to the table I'm querying via a foreign key?如何通过连接到我通过外键查询的表的表中的列的值过滤我的查询?


state = 'some value'
crsRuns = Session.query(CRRun)
crsRuns = crsRuns.options(eagerload('cr')) \
        CR.state.like('%' + state + '%')

I ended up doing the following:我最终做了以下事情:

crsRuns = Session.query(CRRun, CR, Run).join(CR).join(Run)
crsRuns = crsRuns.filter(CR.state.like('%' + state + '%'))

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