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如何将 ATL/MFC CString 转换为 QString?

[英]How do I convert an ATL/MFC CString to a QString?

Given the encoding of the project is probably Unicode (but not for sure) what is the best way of converting ATL::CString to QString?鉴于项目的编码可能是 Unicode(但不确定)将 ATL::CString 转换为 QString 的最佳方法是什么?

What I have thought of is this:我想到的是这样的:

CString c(_T("SOME_TEXT"));
std::basic_string<TCHAR> intermediate((LPCTSTR)c);
QString q;

#ifdef _UNICODE 
q = QString::fromStdWString(intermediate);
q = QString::fromStdString(intermediate);

Do you think that it works?你认为它有效吗? Any other ideas?还有其他想法吗?

You don't need the intermediate conversion to a std::string .您不需要中间转换为std::string The CString class can be treated as a simple C-style string; CString class 可以被视为简单的 C 风格字符串; that is, an array of characters.也就是一个字符数组。 All you have to do is cast it to an LPCTSTR .您所要做的就是将其转换为LPCTSTR

And once you have that, you just need to create the QString object depending on whether the characters in your CString are of type char or wchar_t .一旦你有了它,你只需要根据CString中的字符是char还是wchar_t类型来创建QString object 。 For the former, you can use one of the standard constructors for QString , and for the latter, you can use the fromWCharArray function .对于前者,您可以使用QString的标准构造函数之一,对于后者,您可以使用fromWCharArray function

Something like the following code (untested, I don't have Qt installed anymore):类似于以下代码(未经测试,我不再安装 Qt):

CString c(_T("SOME_TEXT"));
QString q;

#ifdef _UNICODE 
q = QString::fromWCharArray((LPCTSTR)c, c.GetLength());
q = QString((LPCTSTR)c);

Edit: As suggested in the comments, you have to disable "Treat wchar_t as a built-in type` in your project's Properties to get the above code to link correctly in Visual Studio ( source ).编辑:正如评论中所建议的,您必须在项目的属性中禁用“将wchar_t视为内置类型”,以使上述代码在 Visual Studio( 源代码)中正确链接。

For _UNICODE , I believe you could also use the fromUtf16 function :对于_UNICODE ,我相信您也可以使用fromUtf16 function

CString c(_T("SOME TEXT"));
QString q = QString::fromUtf16(c.GetBuffer(), c.GetLength());

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