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使用 JSON.NET 解析 json 字符串

[英]Parse json string using JSON.NET

I have a string like the following in C#.我在 C# 中有如下字符串。 I need to loop through and create an HTML table output.我需要循环并创建一个 HTML 表 output。 I tried with JSON.NET but couldn't figure out how to retrieve the keys (Name, Age & Job).我尝试使用 JSON.NET 但无法弄清楚如何检索密钥(姓名、年龄和工作)。

string data = "{items:[

The table format is表格格式为

| Name  | Age   | Job   |  
| AAA   | 22    | PPP   |  
| BBBB  | 25    | QQQ   |  
| CCC   | 28    | RRR   |  

Any help will be greatly appreciated.任何帮助将不胜感激。

The code provided by Dave is the ideal solution here.. but it work for .NET 4.0.. I have used following code with JSON.NET for .NET 3.5 Dave 提供的代码是这里的理想解决方案.. 但它适用于 .NET 4.0.. 我已将以下代码与 JSON.NET 一起用于 .NET 3.5

using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;使用 Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

string jsonString = "{items:[{'Name':'Anz','Age':'29','Job':''},{'Name':'Sanjai','Age':'28','Job':'Developer'},{'Name':'Rajeev','Age':'31','Job':'Designer'}]}";

        JObject root = JObject.Parse(jsonString);

        JArray items = (JArray)root["items"];

        JObject item;
        JToken jtoken;

        for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) //loop through rows
            item = (JObject)items[i];
            jtoken = item.First;

            while (jtoken != null)//loop through columns
                Response.Write(((JProperty)jtoken).Name.ToString() + " : " + ((JProperty)jtoken).Value.ToString() + "<br />");

                jtoken = jtoken.Next;

You can use .NET 4's dynamic type and built-in JavaScriptSerializer to do that.您可以使用 .NET 4 的动态类型和内置的 JavaScriptSerializer 来做到这一点。 Something like this, maybe:像这样的东西,也许:

string json = "{\"items\":[{\"Name\":\"AAA\",\"Age\":\"22\",\"Job\":\"PPP\"},{\"Name\":\"BBB\",\"Age\":\"25\",\"Job\":\"QQQ\"},{\"Name\":\"CCC\",\"Age\":\"38\",\"Job\":\"RRR\"}]}";

var jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();

dynamic data = jss.Deserialize<dynamic>(json);

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

sb.Append("<table>\n  <thead>\n    <tr>\n");

// Build the header based on the keys in the
//  first data item.
foreach (string key in data["items"][0].Keys) {
        sb.AppendFormat("      <th>{0}</th>\n", key);

sb.Append("    </tr>\n  </thead>\n  <tbody>\n");

foreach (Dictionary<string, object> item in data["items"]) {
    sb.Append("    <tr>\n");

    foreach (string val in item.Values) {
        sb.AppendFormat("      <td>{0}</td>\n", val);

sb.Append("    </tr>\n  </tbody>\n</table>");

string myTable = sb.ToString();

At the end, myTable will hold a string that looks like this:最后, myTable将保存一个如下所示的字符串:


I did not test the following snippet... hopefully it will point you towards the right direction:我没有测试以下代码段......希望它会为您指明正确的方向:

    var jsreader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(stringData));
    var json = (JObject)new JsonSerializer().Deserialize(jsreader);
    var tableRows = from p in json["items"]
                 select new
                     Name = (string)p["Name"],
                     Age = (int)p["Age"],
                     Job = (string)p["Job"]

If your keys are dynamic I would suggest deserializing directly into a DataTable:如果您的密钥是动态的,我建议直接反序列化为 DataTable:

    class SampleData
        [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "items")]
        public System.Data.DataTable Items { get; set; }

    public void DerializeTable()
        const string json = @"{items:["
            + @"{""Name"":""AAA"",""Age"":""22"",""Job"":""PPP""},"
            + @"{""Name"":""BBB"",""Age"":""25"",""Job"":""QQQ""},"
            + @"{""Name"":""CCC"",""Age"":""38"",""Job"":""RRR""}]}";
        var sampleData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SampleData>(json);
        var table = sampleData.Items;

        // write tab delimited table without knowing column names
        var line = string.Empty;
        foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)            
            line += column.ColumnName + "\t";                       

        foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
            line = string.Empty;
            foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)                
                line += row[column] + "\t";                                   

        // Name   Age   Job    
        // AAA    22    PPP    
        // BBB    25    QQQ    
        // CCC    38    RRR    

You can determine the DataTable column names and types dynamically once deserialized.反序列化后,您可以动态确定 DataTable 列名称和类型。

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