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需要帮助从选择中设置 UIPicker 的 Label

[英]Need Help Setting UIPicker's Label From Selection

I have a UIPicker with a UILabel above it that updates displaying the current selection.我有一个 UIPicker 上面有一个 UILabel ,它更新显示当前选择。

When I go to this view the 2nd time, the UIPicker's selection is on the last cell where I left off, but the label is on the default string.当我 go 第二次查看此视图时,UIPicker 的选择位于我离开的最后一个单元格上,但 label 位于默认字符串上。 How can I make it so the label is also on where I last left off?我怎样才能使 label 也在我上次离开的地方?

This is the code I am using:这是我正在使用的代码:

- (void)displayPicker
    self.numberLabel.text = @"1 number";
- (void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)thePickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component 
    self.numberButtonText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ number", [self.pickerArray objectAtIndex:row]];
    self.numberLabel.text = self.numberButtonText;

If i assume correct, you are calling如果我假设正确,你在打电话


to set the default numberLabel text value (as in self.numberLabel.text = @"1 number"; ).设置默认的 numberLabel 文本值(如self.numberLabel.text = @"1 number"; )。

Possible cause would be, that - (void)displayPicker is called every time, the view is presented to the user, but可能的原因是,每次都会调用- (void)displayPicker ,将视图呈现给用户,但是

- (void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)thePickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component

is not.不是。

You might want to check for such behavior, by inserting some NSLog() statements and perhaps correct it by using something like this:您可能希望通过插入一些NSLog()语句来检查此类行为,并可能使用以下内容进行更正:

- (void)displayPicker
    self.numberLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%i number", 
                            [self.numberPicker selectedRowInComponent: 0 ]];

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