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[英]Tool to get full qualified type name

Is there a tool that can get the full qualified name from types in assembly?是否有工具可以从程序集中的类型中获取完整的限定名称?

i know how to construct the full qualified name, but i need something that loads the assembly like reflector for example and take the fullqualified name from their types.我知道如何构造完整的限定名称,但我需要一些可以加载程序集的东西,例如反射器,并从它们的类型中获取完整的限定名称。

Assembly.Load("YourAssemblyName").GetTypes().Select(t => t.AssemblyQualifiedName)

You may try the AssemblyQualifiedName property:您可以尝试AssemblyQualifiedName属性:

class Program
    static void Main()
        var types = Assembly.LoadFrom(@"c:\work\Foo.dll").GetTypes();
        foreach (var type in types)

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