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新项目应该使用 Spring DM 2.0.0.M1 还是 Gemni Blueprint 1.0.0.M1?

[英]Should a New Project Use Spring DM 2.0.0.M1 or Gemni Blueprint 1.0.0.M1?

I am about to incorporate Spring DM into a bundle that will run in the Apache Karaf OSGi framework.我即将将 Spring DM 合并到一个捆绑包中,该捆绑包将在 Apache Karaf OSGi 框架中运行。 Given that Spring DM is being transitioned to Gemni Blueprint, should I use Spring DM 2.0.0.M1 or start fresh with Gemni Blueprint 1.0.0.M1?鉴于 Spring DM 正在过渡到 Gemni Blueprint,我应该使用 Spring DM 2.0.0.M1 还是从 Gemni Blueprint 1.0.0.M1 重新开始? Or should I go with the last formal release of Spring DM (1.2.1)?或者我应该在 Spring DM (1.2.1) 的最后一个正式版本中使用 go? Any thoughts?有什么想法吗?


This could serve as an argument against using Gemni Blueprint:这可以作为反对使用 Gemni 蓝图的理由:

As of M1, not all modules or projects inside Spring DM have been moved.从 M1 开始,并非 Spring DM 中的所有模块或项目都已移动。 At the moment only the io, core, extender and test modules have transitioned are provided in M1.目前,M1 中仅提供 io、内核、扩展器和测试模块已转换。 With the up-coming release of OSGi RFC-66, the web support is being discontinued.随着即将发布的 OSGi RFC-66,web 支持将停止。 Existing users are encouraged to look at Eclipse Gemini Web project.鼓励现有用户查看 Eclipse Gemini Web 项目。 The plans for the Maven archetype and annotation extension are undefined for the moment. Maven 原型和注释扩展的计划目前尚未定义。 -- http://www.eclipse.org/gemini/blueprint/documentation/migration/ -- http://www.eclipse.org/gemini/blueprint/documentation/migration/

The fact that not all of the Spring DM modules are included in Gemni Blueprint could make existing documentation difficult to follow.并非所有 Spring DM 模块都包含在 Gemni 蓝图中这一事实可能会使现有文档难以遵循。 Has anyone tried using Gemni Blueprint and Gemni Web to do the same things that are done with Spring DM?有没有人尝试过使用 Gemni Blueprint 和 Gemni Web 来做与 Spring DM 相同的事情?

Since Spring DM has been contributed to the Eclipse Foundation more than 1.5 years ago, I suggest you to go with Gemini Blueprint:由于 Spring DM 已在 1.5 多年前贡献给 Eclipse 基金会,我建议您使用 Gemini 蓝图 go:

In late 2009, Spring DM has been contributed to the Eclipse Foundation as the Gemini Blueprint project. 2009 年底,Spring DM 已作为 Gemini 蓝图项目贡献给 Eclipse 基金会。 All new development is now hosted and released through the Eclipse foundation.所有新开发现在都通过 Eclipse 基金会托管和发布。 Please see the Gemini Blueprint site for details.有关详细信息,请参阅 Gemini Blueprint 网站。 For more information on the Gemini project and Spring DM donation see the links below:有关 Gemini 项目和 Spring DM 捐赠的更多信息,请参阅以下链接:

see here .这里 Documentation for migration from Spring DM here .从 Spring DM 迁移的文档在这里

Also you probably should check out Virgo .此外,您可能应该检查处女座


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