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[英]foreign key to non candidate key and on delete cascade

My question is two fold,我的问题是两个方面,

  1. firstly, is it possible to create a foreign key,in mysql, from a referencing table to a column in the referenced table that is not a candidate key?首先,是否可以在 mysql 中创建一个外键,从引用表到被引用表中不是候选键的列? I tried it using SQLYOG schema designer and it created it strangely.我使用 SQLYOG 模式设计器进行了尝试,它奇怪地创建了它。 Just want to confirm with others out there, before assuming it is a bug maybe with sqlyog or mysql actually allows it.只是想与其他人确认,然后假设它是一个错误,可能是 sqlyog 或 mysql 实际上允许它。


table1 columns:表 1 列:

ssn: primary key ssn:主键

name: non-candidate key (names can repeat)名称:非候选键(名称可以重复)

table2 columns表2列

id2: primary key id2:主键

name_referencing: foreign key to name in table1 (is this foreign key possible??) name_reference:table1 中名称的外键(这个外键可能吗??)

2.If the above case is possible, what happens when 'on delete cascade' happens. 2.如果上述情况是可能的,当'on delete cascade'发生时会发生什么。 That is, if there are same values (in various rows) of the referenced column, does the deletion of the child(in referencing) happen only on the deletion of the last value(of the repeated values) in the referenced table?也就是说,如果引用的列有相同的值(在不同的行中),子项(在引用中)的删除是否仅在引用表中的最后一个值(重复值)的删除时发生?

-- Create the tables
(anthony@localhost) [test]> create table foo (a int primary key, b int not null, index(b)) engine=innodb;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.33 sec)

create table bar (b int not null, constraint b_exists foreign key (b) references foo(b) on delete cascade) engine=innodb;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.40 sec)

So, MySQL actually allows this situation.所以,MySQL 实际上允许这种情况。 Weird.诡异的。 Oracle and PostgreSQL will not (both raise errors), and I don't believe the SQL standard allows it (but haven't checked, so could be wrong there). Oracle 和 PostgreSQL 不会(两者都会引发错误),我不相信 SQL 标准允许它(但尚未检查,所以可能是错误的)。 Let's see how it handles it:让我们看看它是如何处理它的:

-- Fill foo
(anthony@localhost) [test]> insert into foo values (1,1);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.11 sec)

(anthony@localhost) [test]> insert into foo values (2,1);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.07 sec)

-- Check foreign key works:
(anthony@localhost) [test]> insert into bar values (1);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.13 sec)

(anthony@localhost) [test]> insert into bar values (2);
ERROR 1452 (23000): Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`test`.`bar`, CONSTRAINT `b_exists` FOREIGN KEY (`b`) REFERENCES `foo` (`b`) ON DELETE CASCADE)

-- Delete

(anthony@localhost) [test]> delete from foo  where a = 1;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.09 sec)

(anthony@localhost) [test]> select * from bar;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

So, MySQL deletes the row from the referencing table.因此,MySQL 从引用表中删除该行。 At least in 5.1.49.至少在 5.1.49 中。

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