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Symfony2:使用 Doctrine2 实体进行身份验证 - 保存实体后密码设置为空白值

[英]Symfony2: Auth using Doctrine2 entity - password set to blank value after saving an entity

I've hit a dead end here.我在这里遇到了死胡同。 When I save any kind of entity in my controller, the password and salt of the user that is currently logged in is blanked out in the database.当我在 controller 中保存任何类型的实体时,当前登录的用户的密码和盐在数据库中被清除。

This is a relevant portion of my security configuration:这是我的安全配置的相关部分:

            algorithm: sha1
            iterations: 1
            encode_as_base64: false
                class: ISE\LoginBundle\Entity\User
                property: username

This is the eraseCredentials method of my user class.这是我的用户 class 的 eraseCredentials 方法。 I suspect that at some point this method is called and then the user object is saved to the database with these changes.我怀疑在某些时候会调用此方法,然后将用户 object 与这些更改一起保存到数据库中。 But I have no idea where that could be:但我不知道那可能在哪里:

class User implements UserInterface {
    // ...
    public function eraseCredentials() {
        $this->password = null;
        $this->salt = null;
    // ...

And this is an example of how I save an entity in one of my controllers, in this case it's the ProductController.这是我如何将实体保存在我的一个控制器中的一个示例,在本例中它是 ProductController。 Just a reminder: I am not manipulating the User object in my code in any way:提醒一下:我没有以任何方式在我的代码中操纵用户 object:

public function createAction() {
    // ...
    if ($form->isValid()) {
        $em = $this->get('doctrine')->getEntityManager();
        return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('product_create', array('created' => true)));
    // ...

I wouldn't expect any of this code to delete the user's password or salt in the database, yet exactly that happens.我不希望这些代码中的任何一个删除数据库中用户的密码或盐,但确实会发生这种情况。 Can anyone help me beat my code into submission?谁能帮我打败我的代码提交?

Symfony has a difference between plaintext and hashed credetials. Symfony 在明文和散列凭据之间存在差异。 In "eraseCredentials" you are supposed to delete all the plaintext information, not the hashed credetials that are saved to the database.在“eraseCredentials”中,您应该删除所有明文信息,而不是保存到数据库中的散列凭据。

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