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传入的 email 触发创建 TFS 工作项?

[英]Incoming email trigger creation of a TFS work item?

In TFS, we have alerts set up to send emails for specific events for work items.在 TFS 中,我们设置了警报,以针对工作项的特定事件发送电子邮件。

Is there a feature or way to have an incoming email trigger creation of a work item?是否有功能或方法可以让传入的 email 触发创建工作项?

This would help to log reported bugs coming from other groups in our organization.这将有助于记录来自我们组织中其他组的报告的错误。

If there's no built-in TFS feature, how could a custom component be built to accommodate this requirement?如果没有内置的 TFS 功能,如何构建自定义组件来满足此要求?

TFS does not have this capability built in. Please see this MSDN Forum post to have some ideas how this can be done. TFS 没有内置此功能。请参阅此 MSDN 论坛帖子以了解如何做到这一点。

You could write a little service which connects/listen to a POP3/IMAP mail account and downloads the mails.您可以编写一个连接/收听 POP3/IMAP 邮件帐户并下载邮件的小服务。 Go through the mail which needs to have a specific structure or an attachement with the information needed by the work item. Go 通过邮件,需要具有特定结构或带有工作项所需信息的附件。 Then use the Work Item Extensibility API and create a new work item.然后使用 Work Item Extensibility API 并创建一个新的工作项。

I can imagine a second solution.我可以想象第二种解决方案。 Configure your Sharepoint to receive incoming mails.配置您的 Sharepoint 以接收传入的邮件。 Route them into a document list or something and let a workflow call the WIT API.将它们路由到文档列表或其他内容中,然后让工作流调用 WIT API。

In 2010, the TFS Work Item Tracking Object Model is what you need to interact with the TFS server to create new work items. In 2010, the TFS Work Item Tracking Object Model is what you need to interact with the TFS server to create new work items.

There was an MSDN article a while ago that presented a way to do this.前段时间有一篇 MSDN 文章介绍了一种方法。 You can find it at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/hh335060.aspx .您可以在http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/hh335060.aspx找到它。

We use gmail and setup a 'Zap' using zapier.com.我们使用 gmail 并使用 zapier.com 设置“Zap”。 An email that comes into a particular folder in gmail is picked up by the zap and creates a bug in TFS for us automatically.一个 email 进入 gmail 中的特定文件夹被 zap 拾取并自动为我们在 TFS 中创建一个错误。

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