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对于这种情况,我应该研究哪个 PayPal API?

[英]Which PayPal API should I study for this scenario?

I am working on an application like eBay.我正在开发像 eBay 这样的应用程序。 The application has a cart page for customers where they can see more than 1 items.该应用程序为客户提供了一个购物车页面,他们可以在其中看到超过 1 件商品。 The items are there to be paid for.这些物品是要付费的。 The items are with CheckBoxes so user can select any item they wish to pay against (even multiples).这些项目带有复选框,因此用户可以 select 任何他们希望支付的项目(甚至是倍数)。 Assuming there are 5 items each having some cost.假设有 5 个项目,每个项目都有一些成本。 There is also an image button called "Checkout With PayPal".还有一个名为“使用 PayPal 结帐”的图像按钮。 I want the customer to click on the image buttons after checking some items.我希望客户在检查某些项目后单击图像按钮。 Now they should go to PayPal checkout page with details of these items including their price and the like.现在他们应该 go 到 PayPal 结帐页面,其中包含这些项目的详细信息,包括价格等。 Actually the whole Invoice should be sent to PayPal showing individual items with their prices.实际上,整个发票应该发送到 PayPal,显示各个项目及其价格。

Once the user will pay for all those items, paypal should report back to me with ReturnURL and some fields making sure they paid.一旦用户为所有这些项目付款,paypal 应该使用 ReturnURL 和一些字段向我报告,以确保他们已付款。 I will modify the database.我将修改数据库。

Which API will really help me get the most out of the PayPal?哪个 API 将真正帮助我充分利用 PayPal? I read Express Checkout, it looks what I am looking for but not sure if it's really what I want.我阅读了 Express Checkout,它看起来是我想要的,但不确定它是否真的是我想要的。

You can use any of the APIs to accomplish what you've stated - it's more a question of your programming comfort level, the level of integration you require (for example, if you're comfortable sending your users to PayPal to pay vs. having them pay in your site, such as with Express Checkout), and how much you're willing to pay monthly / per transaction.您可以使用任何 API 来完成您所说的 - 这更多的是您的编程舒适度问题,您需要的集成级别(例如,如果您愿意将您的用户发送到 PayPal 支付与拥有他们在您的网站上付款,例如使用 Express Checkout),以及您愿意每月/每笔交易支付多少。

At the most basic level you could easily use Website Payments Standard, and set up an IPN (instant payment notification) pointing to a url on your system where you would do some further processing in an automated fashion.在最基本的层面上,您可以轻松使用网站支付标准,并设置指向系统上 url 的 IPN(即时支付通知),您可以在其中以自动方式进行一些进一步的处理。 Use caution here as it's pretty easy for a semi-sophisticated user to change quantities or item prices in the cart html before posting to PayPal.此处请谨慎使用,因为对于半熟练的用户来说,在发布到 PayPal 之前,很容易更改购物车 html 中的数量或商品价格。 You'll have to reconcile things in your IPN url to make sure things weren't changed.您必须核对 IPN url 中的内容,以确保没有更改。

visit the paypal developer network for more information: https://www.x.com/community/home (and yes, x.com is their actual url...looks like spam) visit the paypal developer network for more information: https://www.x.com/community/home (and yes, x.com is their actual url...looks like spam)

Have you looked at PayPal Website Payments Pro?您看过 PayPal 网站付款专业版吗? That carries a $20/month charge and it includes some APIs that will allow you to batch up the items into one payment and then ship the user off to PayPal, it will then redirect back to your site and allow you to confirm payment whilst displaying order summary etc.每月收取 20 美元的费用,其中包含一些 API,可让您将商品批量处理为一次付款,然后将用户运送到 PayPal,然后它将重定向回您的网站并允许您在显示订单时确认付款总结等

I figured out the solution myself.我自己想出了解决方案。 I used PayPal Express Checkout plugin.我使用了 PayPal Express Checkout 插件。 I wrote ASP.NET plugin myself and it's working like a charm so far!我自己写了 ASP.NET 插件,到目前为止它的工作就像一个魅力!

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