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Clojure 简单模式匹配

[英]Clojure simple pattern matching

As a follow up to my previous question , I am trying to implement a simple pattern matching in Clojure.作为我上一个问题的后续,我试图在 Clojure 中实现一个简单的模式匹配。

I would like something like the following:我想要以下内容:

(match target
  [ub]    expr1    ; ub should be bound to actual value in expr1
  ['< ub] expr2    ; match the literal less-than symbol
                   ; and ub should be bound to actual value in expr2
  [lb ub] expr3    ; lb and ub should be bound to actual values in expr3
  :else   expr4    ; default case if none match


(match [< 5.0] ...)

should arrange to execute expr2 at runtime.应该安排在运行时执行expr2

I would like to write a macro, but I am not sure of the expansion.我想写一个宏,但我不确定扩展。

I am considering having each case-and-clause expand to a let with bindings to internal variables and checks that the literal symbols ( '< ) actually matches the pattern.我正在考虑让每个 case-and-clause 扩展为一个let并绑定到内部变量,并检查文字符号 ( '< ) 是否实际匹配模式。 Maybe for the second pattern ( ['< ub] ):也许对于第二种模式( ['< ub] ):

(let [[sym1 ub] pattern]
  (if (= '< sym1)

Do I need to use (gensym) for the bindings?我需要使用(gensym)进行绑定吗? How?如何?

Bigger picture:大图:

(range-case target
            [0.0 < 1.0] :greatly-disagree
            [< 2.0]     :disagree
            [< 3.0]     :neutral
            [< 4.0]     :agree
            [5.0]       :strongly-agree
            42          :the-answer
            :else       :do-not-care)

I am trying to match the [...] patterns and convert them to the following:我正在尝试匹配[...]模式并将它们转换为以下内容:

[ub]          (if previous-ub `(and (<= ~previous-ub ~target) (<= ~target ~ub))
                              `(< ~target ~ub))
['< ub]       (if previous-ub `(and (<= ~previous-ub ~target) (< ~target ~ub))
                              `(< ~target ~ub))
[lb ub]       `(and (<= ~lb ~target) (<= ~target ~ub))
['< lb ub]    `(and (< ~lb ~target) (<= ~target ~ub))
[lb '< ub]    `(and (<= ~lb ~target) (< ~target ~ub))
['< lb '< ub] `(and (< ~lb ~target) (< ~target ~ub))

I have a cond that checks that the case part is a vector.我有一个cond案例部分是否为向量的条件。 This pattern match should occur inside that case.这种模式匹配应该发生在这种情况下。

My first idea was basically the same: Bind stuff to internal locals and test on their contents in a big and .我的第一个想法基本上是一样的:将东西绑定到内部本地人并在一个大的and . For literals the value is bound to a generated local;对于文字,该值绑定到生成的本地; symbols are used directly in the binding.符号直接在绑定中使用。

I also added a check that the spec vector matches the length of the target vector.我还添加了检查规范向量是否匹配目标向量的长度。 Otherwise you can't have [ub] as well as [lb ub] since neither contains a check which could fail.否则你不能拥有[ub][lb ub]因为两者都不包含可能失败的检查。 So always the first would be selected.所以总是会选择第一个。

Here is the code:这是代码:

(defn make-clause
  [expr-g [spec expr & more :as clause]]
  (when (seq clause)
    (let [tests-and-bindings (map (fn [x]
                                    (if-not (symbol? x)
                                      (let [x-g (gensym "x")]
                                        [`(= ~x ~x-g) x-g])
                                      [nil x]))
          tests    (keep first tests-and-bindings)
          bindings (map second tests-and-bindings)]
      `(let [[~@bindings] ~expr-g]
         (if (and (= (count ~expr-g) ~(count spec)) ~@tests)
           ~(make-clause expr-g more))))))

(defmacro match
  [expr & clauses]
  (let [expr-g  (gensym "expr")]
    `(let ~[expr-g expr]
       ~(make-clause expr-g clauses))))

And an example expansion.和一个示例扩展。 I didn't use syntax-quote in the example to reduce the noise in the expansion, but you should get the idea.我没有在示例中使用语法引用来减少扩展中的噪音,但您应该明白这一点。

(let [expr98 [(quote <) 3.0]]
  (let [[ub] expr98]
    (if (and (= (count expr98) 1))
      (if previous-ub
        (and (<= previous-ub target) (<= target ub))
        (< target ub))
      (let [[x99 ub] expr98]
        (if (and (= (count expr98) 2) (= (quote <) x99))
          (if previous-ub
            (and (<= previous-ub target) (< target ub))
            (< target ub))
          (let [[lb ub] expr98]
            (if (and (= (count expr98) 2))
              (and (<= lb target) (<= target ub))

The invokation was:调用是:

(match ['< 3.0]
  [ub]    (if previous-ub
            (and (<= previous-ub target) (<= target ub))
            (< target ub))
  ['< ub] (if previous-ub
            (and (<= previous-ub target) (< target ub))
            (< target ub))
  [lb ub] (and (<= lb target) (<= target ub))))

Hope that helps you get started.希望能帮助您入门。

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