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[英]Integration architecture

I'm developing server-side for mobile movie booking application.我正在为移动电影预订应用程序开发服务器端。 Server application should have common API to 2 existing booking systems in cinemas.服务器应用程序应该与电影院中的 2 个现有预订系统具有共同的 API。 In the future addition of new booking systems is possible.将来可能会增加新的预订系统。 I don't like writing spaghetti-code, so application must be component (module) oriented.我不喜欢写意大利面条代码,所以应用程序必须是面向组件(模块)的。 I'm looking at SOA and Mule ESB, but I have no experience with it.我正在研究 SOA 和 Mule ESB,但我没有这方面的经验。 Whether correctly I have chosen a way?我是否正确地选择了一种方式? May be there are more than one (not ESB/not Mule) good solutions for my task.对于我的任务,可能有不止一个(不是 ESB/不是 Mule)好的解决方案。

PS: Common API must be HTTP/REST. PS:常见的API必须是HTTP/REST。 API of booking systems are binary custom tcp protocol and SOAP service.预订系统的 API 是二进制自定义 tcp 协议和 SOAP 服务。

Thank you.谢谢你。

You may be able to use Mule ESB with content based routing.您可以将 Mule ESB 与基于内容的路由一起使用。 That is based on the content of the booking your ESB knows which booking service to send it to.这是基于您的 ESB 知道将其发送到哪个预订服务的预订内容。 Then adding new booking services can be done by adding new routing rules.然后可以通过添加新的路由规则来添加新的预订服务。

See: http://blogs.mulesoft.org/integration-patterns-content-based-routing/参见: http://blogs.mulesoft.org/integration-patterns-content-based-routing/

SOA is fine, but an ESB seems overkill for something like this. SOA 很好,但是对于这样的事情,ESB 似乎有点矫枉过正。 For integrating with various booking services a simple gateway should suffice.为了与各种预订服务集成,一个简单的网关就足够了。

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