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backbone.js 结构化嵌套视图和模型

[英]backbone.js structuring nested views and models

Using backbone.js:使用 backbone.js:

I have a top level ModelA that contains 2 attributes and 2 nested models, ModelB and ModelC.我有一个包含 2 个属性和 2 个嵌套模型 ModelB 和 ModelC 的顶级 ModelA。 ModelB and ModelC each have 2 attributes as follows: ModelB 和 ModelC 各有 2 个属性,如下:


There is a ViewA for ModelA, and a ViewB for ModelB. ModelA 有一个 ViewA,ModelB 有一个 ViewB。 ViewA's render function places a new div onto the body, whereas ViewB's render creates an h1. ViewA 的渲染 function 将一个新的 div 放置到 body 上,而 ViewB 的渲染创建一个 h1。 ViewA's initialization calls ViewB's render to insert that h1 into the new div. ViewA 的初始化调用 ViewB 的渲染将 h1 插入到新的 div 中。 The rationale behind this separation is that the h1 may change and require re-rendering independent from ViewA.这种分离背后的基本原理是 h1 可能会发生变化并需要独立于 ViewA 重新渲染。

        //call ViewA's own render function

        //call ViewB's render function that further modifies the $("#new") div created earlier.

    //ViewA's own render function
    render: //place <div id="new"></div> onto 'body'

    render: //create a <h1></h1>
    funcB1: //can this access it's parent ModelA's attributes and other objects?

Q1: ViewB has a function funcB1. Q1:ViewB 有一个 function funcB1。 Can this function access it's parent model's attributes?这个 function 可以访问它的父模型的属性吗? Attributes such as attributeA1, or even attributeC1 (which would be a sibling/cousin)?诸如attributeA1 之类的属性,甚至是attributeC1(这将是兄弟/表亲)?

Q2: As a further expansion to Q1, can funcB1 access the DOM elements associated with ViewA? Q2:作为 Q1 的进一步扩展,funcB1 可以访问与 ViewA 关联的 DOM 元素吗? (in this example, the #new div?) (在这个例子中,#new div?)

Q3: In general, how do I define the associations between the Views and Models as described above so that everything ties together properly? Q3:一般来说,我如何定义上述视图和模型之间的关联,以便一切都正确地联系在一起?

I realize this question is somewhat abstract but any appreciate any help or guidelines appreciated.我意识到这个问题有点抽象,但任何人都感谢任何帮助或指导。

To be able to reach attributes on related models, the model must have some kind of knowledge about what models it is related to.为了能够获得相关模型的属性,model 必须对它所关联的模型有所了解。 Backbone.js does not implicitly deal with relations or nesting, which means you must yourself make sure that the models have knowledge of each other. Backbone.js 不会隐式处理关系或嵌套,这意味着您必须自己确保模型彼此了解。 To answer your questions, one way to go about it is to make sure each child model has a 'parent' attribute.要回答您的问题,go 关于它的一种方法是确保每个子 model 具有“父”属性。 This way you can traverse the nesting first up to the parent and then down to any siblings that you know of.这样,您可以首先遍历嵌套到父级,然后再向下遍历到您知道的任何兄弟级。

To be more specific with your questions.更具体地回答您的问题。 When initializing modelA, you are probably creating modelB and modelC, I would suggest setting a link to the parent model when doing this, like this:初始化模型A时,您可能正在创建模型B和模型C,我建议在执行此操作时设置到父model的链接,如下所示:

ModelA = Backbone.Model.extend({

    initialize: function(){
        this.modelB = new modelB();
        this.modelB.parent = this;
        this.modelC = new modelC();
        this.modelC.parent = this;

This way you can reach the parent model in any child model function by calling this.parent.通过这种方式,您可以通过调用 this.parent 到达任何子 model function 中的父 model。

Regarding your views, when doing nested backbone views, I find it easier to let each view represent one HTML tag by using the tagName option of the view.关于您的视图,在进行嵌套主干视图时,我发现使用视图的 tagName 选项让每个视图代表一个 HTML 标记更容易。 I would write your views as this:我会把你的观点写成这样:

ViewA = Backbone.View.extend({

    tagName: "div",
    id: "new",

    initialize: function(){
       this.viewB = new ViewB();
       this.viewB.parentView = this;

ViewB = Backbone.View.extend({

    tagName: "h1",

    render: function(){
        $(this.el).html("Header text"); // or use this.options.headerText or equivalent

    funcB1: function(){


Then in your application initialization code (eg in your controller), I would initiate ViewA and place its element inside the body element.然后在您的应用程序初始化代码中(例如在您的控制器中),我将启动 ViewA 并将其元素放置在 body 元素中。

The general answer to the question "Can I" is always "yes, as long as you're willing to write the code." “我可以”这个问题的一般答案总是“可以,只要你愿意编写代码”。 The point behind Backbone is to provide a strong separation of model and view. Backbone 背后的要点是提供 model 和视图的强分离。 If B1 has a reference to A1, and A1 has a reference to C1, then you're fully capable of creating methods and setting the rules by which B1 can modify A1 and C1 and so forth.如果 B1 引用了 A1,而 A1 引用了 C1,那么您完全有能力创建方法并设置 B1 可以修改 A1 和 C1 的规则等等。

The views should be set up to receive CRUD events from their respective models.视图应设置为接收来自其各自模型的 CRUD 事件。 If the user does something with B1view that modifies B1model, and B1model in turn modifies A1model, then A1model should generate an event that A1view receives and causes a re-render of A1view, and so forth.如果用户对 B1view 进行了修改 B1model 的操作,而 B1model 又修改了 A1model,则 A1model 应该生成一个事件,A1view 接收并导致 A1view 重新渲染,依此类推。 It should happen like magic.它应该像魔术一样发生。 (In practice, it takes some time to get the magic right, but I've found Backbone to be really powerful. And BackboneRelational helps with things like what you're describing here.) (在实践中,需要一些时间才能获得正确的魔法,但我发现 Backbone 非常强大。BackboneRelational 有助于解决您在此处描述的问题。)

The above solution is on the right track but has some problems.上述解决方案在正确的轨道上,但存在一些问题。

initialize: function(){
  this.viewB = new ViewB();
  this.viewB.parentView = this;

Mainly, the model's toJSON() now returns stale data.主要是,模型的 toJSON() 现在返回过时的数据。 I've posted a solution to fix this problem in a backbone.js plugin .我在backbone.js 插件中发布了解决此问题的解决方案。 You're welcome to use it.欢迎您使用它。

You can use some extensions, Backbone-Forms https://github.com/powmedia/backbone-forms for example.您可以使用一些扩展,例如 Backbone-Forms https://github.com/powmedia/backbone-forms To follow your use case define a schema like:要遵循您的用例,请定义如下架构:

var ModelB = Backbone.Model.extend({
    schema: {
        attributeB1: 'Text',
        attributeB2: 'Text'

var ModelC = Backbone.Model.extend({
    schema: {
        attributeC: 'Text',

var ModelA = Backbone.Model.extend({
    schema: {
        attributeA1: 'Text',
        attributeA2: 'Text',
        refToModelB: { type: 'NestedModel', model: ModelB, template: 'templateB' },
        refToModelC: { type: 'NestedModel', model: ModelC, template: 'templateC' }

Look at https://github.com/powmedia/backbone-forms#customising-templates for partial templates.查看https://github.com/powmedia/backbone-forms#customising-templates以获取部分模板。

Important parts here are type: 'NestedModel' and template: 'templateXXX' .这里的重要部分是type: 'NestedModel'template: 'templateXXX'

This plugin has some limitations but you can look at others at https://github.com/documentcloud/backbone/wiki/Extensions%2C-Plugins%2C-Resources .此插件有一些限制,但您可以在https://github.com/documentcloud/backbone/wiki/Extensions%2C-Plugins%2C-Resources中查看其他插件。

There is backbone plugin Backbone-relational.js which provides one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-one relations between models for Backbone.有骨干插件 Backbone-relational.js,它为 Backbone 的模型之间提供了一对一、一对多和多对一的关系。

I think this js will fulfill your needs.我认为这个js会满足你的需求。 Vist BackboneRelational for more documentation.访问BackboneRelational以获得更多文档。

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