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[英]Can an integer always be parsed as a long?

I have a list of strings in Java which are being written to a text file. 我有一个Java中的字符串列表,正在写入文本文件。 These strings are each tagged with a type -- in this case, I'll I'm interested are strings containing long s and int s. 这些字符串都标有一个类型 - 在这种情况下,我感兴趣的是包含long s和int的字符串。 I'd like to convert these strings back to a numeric type before writing them, but I'd like to minimize code duplication. 我想在写这些字符串之前将它们转换回数字类型,但我想尽量减少代码重复。 I plan on parsing every string tagged as an integer or long integer using Long.parseLong() . 我计划使用Long.parseLong()解析标记为整数或长整数的每个字符串。

My question is this: are there any situations in which a valid integer will not parse as a long? 我的问题是:有没有任何情况下有效整数不会解析为长? I can't think of any (with the exception of maybe "1000L" or some such), but my experience in these matters has taught me that there are often nuances that I miss. 我想不出任何东西(除了可能是“1000L”或其他一些),但我在这些事情上的经验告诉我,我经常会有细微差别。

Yes, integers can always be cast into long, but long cant always be cast into int. 是的,整数总是可以转换成长整数,但是长整数总是被转换为整数。

An int is really a 4-byte whole number and a long is 8 bytes. int实际上是一个4字节的整数,long是8字节。 So a long gives you 4 more bytes from an int. 所以long给你一个int多4个字节。

Long.parseLong("1000L") results in a NumberFormatException -- it accepts string-encoded numeric values, not necessarily Java number literals (although there is a large overlap). Long.parseLong("1000L")导致NumberFormatException - 它接受字符串编码的数值,不一定是Java数字文字(尽管有很大的重叠)。

Because of this Long.parseLong encompasses Integer.parseInt entirely just as the values of int are a proper subset of the values of long . 因为Long.parseLong完全包含Integer.parseInt ,因为int的值是long值的正确子集。

Happy coding. 快乐的编码。


checking the description of the both methods 检查两种 方法的描述

the answer is no (except when l or L appears after the string) 答案是否定的(除非字符串后面出现l或L)

每个可能的int值都可以存储在longdouble (或BigInteger)中

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