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尝试包含“ * .as”而不是<fx:script>

[英]Trying include '*.as' instead of <fx:script>

I have an accordion component nested inside of a tab navigator. 我在选项卡导航器中嵌套了一个手风琴组件。 Each accordion pane has a form inside of it. 每个手风琴窗格内部都有一个表单。 The forms have two grids that transfer data back and forth between eachother and a few buttons to help them. 表单具有两个网格,彼此之间来回传输数据,并带有一些按钮来帮助它们。 I have the actionscript that controls the form. 我有控制窗体的动作。 *Thanks to The_asMan for helping me figure this part out. *感谢The_asMan帮助我弄清楚了这一部分。

In the package "forms", FormFunctions.as: 在“ forms”包中,FormFunctions.as:

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

public var originalData:ArrayCollection;

public var changingData:ArrayCollection;

public function init( ):void
    this.changingData = new ArrayCollection( );
    this.originalData = new ArrayCollection( );
    for( var i:int = 0;i<100;i++)
        var obj:Object = new Object( );
        obj.label = 'slot '+ i;
        obj.value = 's'+i;
        originalData.addItem( obj );

public function addItem():void
    this.changingData.addItem(myStaticDataGrid.selectedItem );

public function clearList():void
public function removeItem():void
    this.originalData.addItem(bdgFormData.selectedItem );

My tab nav/accordian looks like this: 我的导航栏/ accordian标签如下所示:

<mx:TabNavigator id="myTabNav">
    <s:NavigatorContent id="myFirstTab">
        <mx:Accordion id="myFirstAccordNav">
            <s:NavigatorContent id="myFirstAccordPane">
                <forms:DualGridStyle id="myFirstForm"/>
            <s:NavigatorContent id="mySecondAccordPane">
                <forms:DualGridStyle id="mySecondForm"/>
      <s:NavigatorContent id="mySecondTab">
         <mx:Accordion id="mySecondAccordNav">
            <s:NavigatorContent id="myThirdAccordPane">
                <forms:DualGridStyle id="myThirdForm"/>
            <s:NavigatorContent id="myFourthAccordPane">
                <forms:DualGridStyle id="myFouthForm"/>

The tag is my custom form component. 标签是我的自定义表单组件。 Here is the code: 这是代码:

<s:Form xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" 
     xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" width="800" height="400">
    <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<s:Label id="lblFilter" x="40" y="24" text="Filter:"/>
<s:TextInput id="txtFilter" x="83" y="20" width="145"/>

<s:DataGrid id="myStaticDataGrid" left="40" top="60" width="188" 
            creationComplete="init()" dataProvider="{originalData}"/>
<s:DataGrid id="bdgFormData" top="60" width="284" dataProvider="{changingData}"
<s:Button id="btnAdd" label="Add" top="90" left="262" 
<s:Button id="btnRemove" label="Remove" top="90" horizontalCenter="310" 
          click="removeItem()" />
<s:Button id="btnClear" label="Clear" top="120" horizontalCenter="310" 


My question is probably a simple answer. 我的问题可能是一个简单的答案。 How do I get the custom form to recognize the AS functions from FormFunctions.as? 如何从FormFunctions.as获取自定义表单以识别AS功能?

Set your click event as: 将您的点击事件设置为:


and the addItem function as: 和addItem函数为:

private function addItem(e:MouseEvent):void

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