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[英]Jquery Selector in Horizontal Accordion

I'm Trying to build a simple horizontal accordion that will eventually contain more complex data (iframes)... The problem is that I want the size of each accordion tab to be specific to the data it contains, so I'm trying to edit what's already out there (Some tabs are larger than others). 我正在尝试构建一个简单的水平手风琴,该手风琴最终将包含更复杂的数据(iframe)...问题是我希望每个手风琴选项卡的大小都特定于它所包含的数据,所以我试图编辑那里已有的内容(某些标签比其他标签大)。 When a user hovers over any tab I want to expand that tab to 50% (regardless of its previous size). 当用户将鼠标悬停在任何选项卡上时,我希望将该选项卡扩展到50%(无论其先前的大小如何)。 All that is working fine, but the problem is I can't figure out how to go back to the tabs ORIGINAL width after mouseout. 一切正常,但问题是我无法弄清楚鼠标移出后如何返回到选项卡原始宽度。 Right now I have the panels shrinking to 10% to illustrate the problem. 现在,我将面板缩小到10%以说明问题。 If you cycle through the page then reload you will see what i mean. 如果您浏览页面,然后重新加载,您将明白我的意思。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

http://www.brianvargo.com/test.html http://www.brianvargo.com/test.html


You can save the original width somewhere. 您可以将原始宽度保存在某处。 This is one way (with your code): 这是一种方法(使用您的代码):

    $("ul li").mouseover(function(){
        if (this.originalWidth == undefined) this.originalWidth = $(this).width();
        $(this).stop().animate({width:'50%'},{queue:false, duration:500,}) 

    $("ul li").mouseout(function(){  
        $(this).stop().animate({width: this.originalWidth},{queue:false, duration:600})  

Untested, and you might choose a different way to save it, but the general idea is there. 未经测试,您可以选择其他方式保存它,但是总的想法就在那里。

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