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Rails 3.1和Ruby EE

[英]Rails 3.1 and Ruby EE

Since Rails 3.1 strongly recommends that it be installed with Ruby 1.9.2. 由于Rails 3.1强烈建议使用Ruby 1.9.2进行安装。 But what about Ruby Enterprise Edition support? 但是Ruby Enterprise Edition支持呢? Ruby EE seems to be in the 1.8.x version, so I guess this means that future rails updates won't be working so well with it? Ruby EE似乎是在1.8.x版本中,所以我想这意味着未来的rails更新将无法正常使用它?

it's only a recommendation (and I suggest it too), because as you may know, 1.9.2 is the most recent version. 这只是一个建议(我也建议),因为你可能知道,1.9.2是最新的版本。

you can still use REE for your 3.1 rails app, but keep in mind that some day you'll be forced to switch to a newer ruby interpreter, and it's not a painless task (even if you have a decent test coverage). 您仍然可以将REE用于3.1 rails应用程序,但请记住, 有一天您将被迫切换到更新的ruby解释器,这并不是一项轻松的任务(即使您有一个不错的测试覆盖率)。

if it's about a passenger matter, don't worry, it will work on 1.9.2 too ;) 如果它是关于乘客问题,不要担心,它也将在1.9.2上工作;)

if you generate new rails 3.1 app on 1.9 it will use new hash syntax, so you will not be able to easily switch to 1.8 later. 如果您在1.9上生成新的rails 3.1 app,它将使用新的哈希语法,因此您将无法在以后轻松切换到1.8。

example: config/initializer/session_store.rb uses new hash syntax 示例: config/initializer/session_store.rb使用新的哈希语法

YourApp::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_yourapp_session'

Our large Rails 3.1 app runs very slowly when we migrated it to ruby 1.9.2 当我们将它迁移到ruby 1.9.2时,我们的大型Rails 3.1应用程序运行得非常慢

We upgraded it rather than creating from scratch, so maybe we did something wrong, but running it with 1.9 is so slow it's unusable, switching to REE make it run nicely again. 我们升级它而不是从头开始创建,所以也许我们做错了,但是用1.9运行它是如此之慢以至于无法使用,切换到REE使它再次运行良好。

I decided to take the plunge and moved my app over to REE. 我决定冒险尝试将我的应用移到REE。 It seems to work the same, a bitter faster in fact. 它似乎工作相同,事实上更快。 The memory usage seems about the same. 内存使用量似乎大致相同。 The guys from Phusion did an awesome job with the installer :) 来自Phusion的人在安装程序上做了很棒的工作:)

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