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[英]i wonderd how google search engine pick results with no time

can any one give an idea how google pick search results with no time(80ms to 100ms). 谁能说出Google如何在没有时间(80毫秒到100毫秒)的情况下选择搜索结果。

Iam using mysql as my db if it has data with 30lakes rows in it, even though it has proper indexing and references it tooks more time to load. 我使用mysql作为我的数据库,即使它具有包含30lakes行的数据,即使它具有适当的索引和引用也需要花费更多时间来加载。

Can any one explain how google search engine works. 谁能解释一下Google搜索引擎的工作原理。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。



Here is a (rough) overview of Google's server structure: 以下是Google服务器结构的(大致)概述:

http://www.googleguide.com/google_works.html http://www.googleguide.com/google_works.html

In a nutshell, Google does not have a single MySQL server in the backend but several servers of various (common and proprietary) systems. 简而言之,Google在后端没有单个MySQL服务器,而在各种(通用和专有)系统中有多个服务器。

Have a read of the original documents, The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine . 阅读原始文档“大型超文本Web搜索引擎的解剖”

In this paper, we present Google, a prototype of a large-scale search engine which makes heavy use of the structure present in hypertext. 在本文中,我们介绍了Google,它是大型搜索引擎的原型,该引擎大量使用了超文本中的结构。 Google is designed to crawl and index the Web efficiently and produce much more satisfying search results than existing systems. Google旨在有效地对Web进行爬网和编制索引,并产生比现有系统更令人满意的搜索结果。 The prototype with a full text and hyperlink database of at least 24 million pages is available at http://google.stanford.edu/ 包含至少2400万页的全文和超链接数据库的原型可从http://google.stanford.edu/获得。

To engineer a search engine is a challenging task. 设计搜索引擎是一项艰巨的任务。 Search engines index tens to hundreds of millions of web pages involving a comparable number of distinct terms. 搜索引擎索引数以千万计的网页,涉及相当数量的不同术语。 They answer tens of millions of queries every day. 他们每天都会回答数千万条查询。 Despite the importance of large-scale search engines on the web, very little academic research has been done on them. 尽管大型搜索引擎在网络上很重要,但对它们的学术研究却很少。 Furthermore, due to rapid advance in technology and web proliferation, creating a web search engine today is very different from three years ago. 此外,由于技术和网络的迅速发展,如今创建一个网络搜索引擎与三年前大不相同。 This paper provides an in-depth description of our large-scale web search engine -- the first such detailed public description we know of to date. 本文对我们的大型Web搜索引擎进行了深入的描述,这是迄今为止我们所知的第一个如此详细的公开描述。

Apart from the problems of scaling traditional search techniques to data of this magnitude, there are new technical challenges involved with using the additional information present in hypertext to produce better search results. 除了将传统搜索技术扩展为如此庞大的数据的问题之外,使用超文本中存在的附加信息来产生更好的搜索结果还涉及新的技术挑战。 This paper addresses this question of how to build a practical large-scale system which can exploit the additional information present in hypertext. 本文解决了这个问题,即如何构建一个可以利用超文本中存在的附加信息的实用的大型系统。 Also we look at the problem of how to effectively deal with uncontrolled hypertext collections where anyone can publish anything they want. 我们还将研究如何有效处理不受控制的超文本集合的问题,任何人都可以发布他们想要的任何东西。

It's obviously come a long way since then, but that should give you a start :) 从那以后显然已经走了很长一段路,但这应该给您一个开始:)

Google has about 1000 servers in one country. Google在一个国家/地区拥有约1000台服务器。 When you press enter, the query is sent to as many of the servers as possible and then they all search a certain amount of their search database, and then they put their results together and send them to your computer. 当您按Enter键时,查询将发送到尽可能多的服务器,然后它们都搜索一定数量的搜索数据库,然后将它们的结果放在一起并发送到您的计算机。

More information is available in a book called The Google Story . 有关更多信息,请参阅《 Google故事》一书。 I don't have it with me at the moment, so I can't find out the author. 目前我还没有它,所以我找不到作者。

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