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[英]Setting classpath for org.jruby.Main?

I'm running JRuby as such: 我正在这样运行JRuby:

Main jrubyRunner = new Main()

I have some gems I've compiled into jars. 我有一些宝石已编译到罐子中。 How do I include those jars on the classpath that jrubyRunner will use? 如何在jrubyRunner将使用的类路径中包含这些jar?

private static def setupCompassInvocationArgs =
['-e', "require 'rubygems';gem 'compass'; load Gem.bin_path('compass', 'compass')"]

protected def runCompassCommand(def compassArgs) {
    Main main = new Main()
    main.run([setupCompassInvocationArgs, compassArgs].flatten() as String[])

The first bit is what you need to load various gems. 首先,您需要加载各种宝石。

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