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[英]VB.NET split on new lines (C# conversion)

I'm trying to convert this code from C# to VB.NET 我正在尝试将此代码从C#转换为VB.NET

string[] lines = theText.Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

Here's what I have, the problem is it is printing the whole of the text box contents in the messagebox, instead of each line. 这就是我所拥有的,问题是它是在消息框中打印整个文本框内容,而不是每行。

    Dim Excluded() As String

    Dim arg() As String = {"\r\n", "\n"}

    Excluded = txtExclude.Text.Split(arg, StringSplitOptions.None)

    For i As Integer = 0 To Excluded.GetUpperBound(0)
        MessageBox.Show("'" & Excluded(i) & "'")

You can't use backslash ( \\ ) to escape characters in VB. 您不能使用反斜杠( \\ )来转义VB中的字符。 Use the ControlChars class: 使用ControlChars类:

Dim arg() As String = { ControlChars.CrLf, ControlChars.Lf }

Escape sequences don't really exist in VB .Net as far as string literals are concerned. 就字符串文字而言,转义序列在VB .Net中并不存在。

There are 2 special constants which you can use instead: 您可以使用2个特殊常量:


Dim Excluded() As String

Dim arg() As String = {vbCrLf, vbLf}

Excluded = txtExclude.Text.Split(arg, StringSplitOptions.None)

For i As Integer = 0 To Excluded.GetUpperBound(0)
    MessageBox.Show("'" & Excluded(i) & "'")

Should do the trick (untested though). 应该做的伎俩(虽然未经测试)。

From an online converter : 来自在线转换器

Your c# code: 你的c#代码:

string[] lines = theText.Split(new string[] { "\\r\\n", "\\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

Converted to VB.NET: 转换为VB.NET:

Dim lines As String() = theText.Split(New String() {vbCr & vbLf, vbLf}, StringSplitOptions.None)

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