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[英]IDE other than XCode for IPhone development

I have been using XCode for IPhone development since start. 自开始以来,我一直在使用XCode进行iPhone开发 Out of curiosity, are there other IDEs available for IPhone development . 出于好奇,是否有其他IDE可用于iPhone开发 If so, in what way are they better than XCode (if they are). 如果是这样,它们在什么方面比XCode好 (如果有)。 Kindly help me learning with that IDE if there is any. 如果有的话,请帮助我学习该IDE。

Thanks 谢谢

There are no realistic alternatives to XCode for development using Cocoa or Cocoa Touch; 对于使用Cocoa或Cocoa Touch进行开发的XCode,没有其他可行的替代方法。 ie applications targeting Mac OS X or iOS. 即针对Mac OS X或iOS的应用程序。

You can try using tools provided by Adobe. 您可以尝试使用Adobe提供的工具。 Check this Link http://www.adobe.com/devnet/logged_in/abansod_iphone.html 检查此链接http://www.adobe.com/devnet/logged_in/abansod_iphone.html

But as Williham said XCode is the best way there is. 但是正如Williham所说,XCode是最好的方法。

My project manager used Mac's TextEdit to code a robust game, game framework and some libraries from scratch. 我的项目经理使用Mac的TextEdit从头开始编写功能强大的游戏,游戏框架和一些库。 The advantages of TextEdit: Load faster than xcode. TextEdit的优点:加载比xcode更快。

There is AppCode by Jetbrains . Jetbrains的 AppCode Still in development, though. 不过仍在开发中。

Not really for me - but if you're a user of their other IDEs, then you might find it more comfortable than Xcode. 这对我来说不是真的-但是,如果您是其他IDE的用户,那么您可能会发现它比Xcode更舒适。

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