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从Delphi字符串中删除'#$ A'

[英]Removing '#$A' from Delphi string

I am modifying a delphi app.In it I'm getting a text from a combo box. 我正在修改delphi app.In它我从组合框中获取文本。 The problem is that when I save the text in the table, it contains a carriage return. 问题是,当我将文本保存在表中时,它包含一个回车符。 In debug mode it shows like this. 在调试模式下,它显示如下。

newStr := 'Projector Ex320u-st Short Throw '#$A'1024 X 768 2700lm'

Then I have put 然后我就放了

newStr := StringReplace(newStr,'#$A','',[rfReplaceAll]);

to remove the '#$A' thing. 删除'#$ A'的东西。 But this doesn't remove it. 但这并没有消除它。

Is there any other way to do this.. 有没有其他方法可以做到这一点..

Thanks 谢谢

Remove the quotes around the #$A: 删除#$ A周围的引号:

newStr := StringReplace(newStr,#$A,'',[rfReplaceAll]);

The # tells delphi that you are specifying a character by its numerical code. #告诉delphi你用数字代码指定一个字符。 The $ says you are specifying in Hexadecimal. $表示你用十六进制指定。 The A is the value. A是价值。

With the quotes you are searching for the presence of the #$A characters in the string, which aren't found, so nothing is replaced. 使用引号,您正在搜索字符串中#$ A字符的存在,这些字符未找到,因此不会替换任何内容。

Adapted from http://www.delphipages.com/forum/showthread.php?t=195756 改编自http://www.delphipages.com/forum/showthread.php?t=195756

The '#' denotes an ASCII character followed by a byte value (0..255). '#'表示ASCII字符,后跟字节值(0..255)。

The $A is hexadecimal which equals 10 and $D is hexadecimal which equals 13 . $A是十六进制,等于10$D是十六进制,等于13

#$A and #$D (or #10 and #13 ) are ASCII line feed and carriage return characters respectively. #$A#$D (或#10#13 )分别是ASCII换行符和回车符。

Line feed = ASCII character $A (hex) or 10 (dec): #$A or #10 换行= ASCII字符$A (十六进制)或10 (十进制): #$A#10

Carriage return = ASCII character $D (hex) or 13 (dec): #$D or #13 回车符= ASCII字符$D (十六进制)或13 (十进制): #$D#13

So if you wanted to add 'Ok' and another line: 所以如果你想添加'Ok'和另一行:

Memo.Lines.Add('Ok' + #13#10)

or 要么

Memo.Lines.Add('Ok' + #$D#$A)

To remove the control characters (and white spaces) from the beginning and end of a string: 要从字符串的开头和结尾删除控制字符(和空格):

MyString := Trim(MyString)

Why doesn't Pos() find them? 为什么Pos()找不到它们?

That is how Delphi displays control characters to you, if you were to do Pos(#13, MyString) or Pos(#10, MyString) then it would return the position. 这就是Delphi如何向你显示控制字符,如果你要做Pos(#13, MyString)Pos(#10, MyString)那么它会返回位置。

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