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iPhone App数据安全性

[英]iPhone App data security

I've been thinking about the design/art/music side of my app. 我一直在考虑我的应用程序的设计/艺术/音乐方面。 However I realise that the data within the app can be compromised. 但是我意识到应用程序中的数据可能会受到影响。 Such as the high scores or a SQLite file containing the answers and questions to a trivia game. 例如高分或包含琐事游戏的答案和问题的SQLite文件。

  • How do I go about stopping people like this? 我如何阻止这样的人?
  • What steps should I take? 我应该采取什么措施?
  • Should I even worry about it? 我应该担心吗?

The only people who would try to hack my app would be those that run jailbroken devices right? 试图破解我的应用程序的唯一人会是那些运行越狱设备的人吗? Not those with the official firmware. 不是那些具有官方固件的人。

You can encrypt your SQLite Data. 您可以加密SQLite数据。

Password Protect a SQLite DB. 密码保护SQLite DB。 Is it possible? 可能吗?

How do I go about stopping people like this? 我如何阻止这样的人?

Don't store sensitive data on the client. 不要在客户端上存储敏感数据。 If protecting those answers is that important to you then have users submit their answer to a server and return if they answered it correctly. 如果保护这些答案对您来说很重要,那么让用户将答案提交给服务器并在他们正确回答后返回。

What steps should I take? 我应该采取什么措施?

Don't trust data from clients. 不要信任来自客户的数据。 Calculate scores server side if possible instead of trusting a user to tell you what their score is. 如果可能,计算服务器端的分数,而不是信任用户告诉您他们的分数是多少。 If no server is involved and you support some form of multiplayer you could have each client validate each other's scores and end the game if they disagree. 如果不涉及任何服务器,并且您支持某种形式的多人游戏,则可以让每个客户端验证对方的分数,如果他们不同意则结束游戏。

Should I even worry about it? 我应该担心吗?

Probably not but consider what damage a malicious client could cause and how that compares to the work required to mitigate that damage. 可能不会考虑恶意客户端可能造成的损害以及与减轻损害所需的工作相比如何。

The only people who would try to hack my app would be those that run jailbroken devices right? 试图破解我的应用程序的唯一人会是那些运行越狱设备的人吗?

No, I can download your app in iTunes and pull apart the .ipa file without running it on any device, jailbroken or not. 不,我可以在iTunes中下载您的应用程序并拆开.ipa文件而不在任何设备上运行它,越狱或不越狱。

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