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[英]Parsing Arguments & Anonymous functions in CoffeeScript

How can I turn this function into a coffeescript compatible version? 如何将该功能转换为兼容CoffeeScript的版本?

My main issue is with fb.login.. however I try I always seem to lose either one of the arguments or the permissions... 我的主要问题是fb.login ..但是我尝试似乎总是丢失参数之一或权限...

function promptLogin(login_level, callback)
    var cbk = callback;

    FB.login(function(response) {
        if (response.session) {
            if (response.perms) {
                cbk( true, response );
            } else {
                cbk( false, response );
                //showAlert( "Please accept the permissions.", 'Error' );
        } else {
            cbk( false, response );
            //showAlert( "Please accept the permissions.", 'Error' );
        }, {perms:'email,publish_stream'}

Most appreciated... 非常感谢...

Gareth 加雷思


Thanks for all of your answers below, some worked some didn't, some caused me other issues. 感谢您在下面提供的所有答案,有些工作没有完成,有些导致了我其他问题。

I have settled on a mix and match of the solutions: 我已经确定了各种解决方案的搭配:

login: (permissions = '', callback) ->
    responseHandler = (response) ->

        if response.session
            if permissions && permissions != ''
                if permissions == response.perms
                    AP.log 'Login accepted - Permissions Accepted', response
                    callback true, response
                    AP.log 'Login rejected - Permissions Rejected', response
                    callback false, response
                AP.log 'Login accepted - No Permissions', response
                callback true, response                 
            AP.log 'Login rejected', response
            callback false, response

    FB.login responseHandler, perms: permissions

Thank you to all who answered. 谢谢所有回答的人。 I hope this helps others! 希望这对其他人有帮助!

Kind regards, 亲切的问候,

Gareth 加雷思

I always use js2coffee when I grab js snippets and want a quick coffeescript conversion. 当我获取js代码片段并想要快速的coffeescript转换时,我总是使用js2coffee。

http://ricostacruz.com/js2coffee/ http://ricostacruz.com/js2coffee/

promptLogin = (login_level, callback) ->
  cbk = callback
  FB.login (response) ->
    if response.session
      if response.perms
        cbk true, response
        cbk false, response
      cbk false, response
  , perms: "email,publish_stream"

and then iterate out the obvious 然后迭代明显的

promptLogin = (login_level, callback) ->
  cbk = callback
  FB.login (response) ->
    if response.session
      cbk response.perms, response
      cbk false, response
  , perms: "email,publish_stream"

and again 然后再次

promptLogin = (login_level, callback) ->
  FB.login (response) ->
    if response.session
      callback response.perms, response
      callback false, response
  , perms: "email,publish_stream"

till finally you get 直到最后你得到

promptLogin = (login_level, callback) ->
  FB.login (response) ->
        if response.session then response.perms else false
      , perms: "email,publish_stream"

It's untested, but I think the following should work: 它未经测试,但我认为以下方法可以工作:

promptLogin = (login_level, callback) ->
  FB.login ((response) ->
    if response.perms and response.session
      cbk true, response

      if not response.perms
        cbk false, response
        # showAlert ...
      else # if not response.session
        cbk false, response),
  perms: 'email,publish_stream'

When I encounter these problems, the two things I do are: 当我遇到这些问题时,我要做的两件事是:

  1. Add a lot of parentheses. 添加很多括号。
  2. Put each of the arguments in local variables. 将每个参数放在局部变量中。

In this case, parentheses help: 在这种情况下,括号可以帮助:

promptLogin = (login_level, cb) ->
FB.login(((response) ->
    cb response.perms and response.session, response),
    perms: 'email, publish-stream')

And temporary variables help: 临时变量有助于:

promptLogin = (login_level, cb) ->
    login = (response) -> cb response.perms and response.session, response
    options = perms: 'email, publish-stream'
    FB.login login, options

A FAQ . 常见问题解答

FB.login (response) ->
  if response.perms and response.session
    cbk true, response
  # ...
, perms: 'email,publish_stream'

The dedent + comma on the last line does the trick. 最后一行上的dedent +逗号可以解决问题。

I would definitely name the callback that you're passing to FB.login for the sake of readability: 为了便于阅读,我绝对会命名为传递给FB.login的回调:

promptLogin = (login_level, callback) ->
  responseHandler = (response) ->
    if response.session
      if response.perms
        callback true, response
        callback false, response
        # showAlert 'Please accept the permissions.', 'Error'
    else # no session
      callback false, response
      # showAlert 'Please accept the permissions', 'Error'

  FB.login responseHandler, perms: 'email,publish_stream'

The extra return s at the end of each function may or may not matter, depending on the API. 每个函数末尾的额外return可能无关紧要,具体取决于API。 Just be aware of your implicit returns. 只要注意您的隐性回报。

This compiles to what appears to be functionally equivalent code, with the advantage of being much shorter. 这可以编译为功能上等效的代码,并且具有更短的优势。 I would suggest using the coffeescript real-time compiler at http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/ for testing things like this. 我建议使用http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/上的coffeescript实时编译器来测试类似的东西。

promptLogin = (login_level, callback) ->
  FB.login (response) ->
    callback response.session and response.perms, response
  , perms:'email,publish_stream'

The returns may be unnecessary depending on whether the return values of those functions matter. 根据那些函数的返回值是否重要,返回可能是不必要的。

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