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[英]Why SelectOneMenu ignores the converter?

I have a list of objects, a selectOneMenu , in which I want to display that object list. 我有一个对象列表,一个selectOneMenu ,我想在其中显示该对象列表。 I do not want to display toString() method result in that menu, and I created a converter instead. 我不想在该菜单中显示toString()方法结果,而是创建了一个转换器。

The problem is that in h:outputText element converter is called and I see expected value. 问题是在h:outputText元素转换器被调用,我看到了预期的值。 But when I attach that converter to h:selectOneMenu, converter is still called when page is rendered, but the result is ignored and toString() result is used instead. 但是当我将该转换器附加到h:selectOneMenu时,仍会在呈现页面时调用转换器,但忽略结果并使用toString()结果。 How can I fix it? 我该如何解决?

Some example code: 一些示例代码:

Converter: 转换器:

public class PriorityConverter implements Converter {

    public Object getAsObject(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, String value) {
        try {
            InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
            PriorityEJB priorityEJB = (PriorityEJB) ic.lookup("java:global/TicketSentinel/TicketSentinel-ejb/PriorityEJB");
            return priorityEJB.getPriorityByOrd(Integer.valueOf(value.charAt(0)));
        } catch (NamingException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(PriorityConverter.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            throw new ConverterException();

    public String getAsString(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) {
        Priority p = (Priority) value;
        return p.getOrder() + " - " + p.getName();


Part of the page: 部分页面:

<h:outputText value="Priority:" />
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{ticketController.ticket.priority}">
    <f:selectItems value="#{priorityController.priorityList}" />

Controller bean: 控制器bean:

@Named(value = "priorityController")
public class PriorityController {
    private PriorityEJB priorityEJB;

    public List<Priority> getPriorityList() {
        return priorityEJB.getPriorities();


Update: 更新:

I looked at the source of the page, and found this: 我查看了页面的来源,发现了这个:

 <td><select name="j_idt18:j_idt26" size="1"> <option value="1 - Fatal">1 - - Fatal</option> <option value="2 - Critical">2 - - Critical</option> <option value="3 - Very Important">3 - - Very Important</option> <option value="4 - Important">4 - - Important</option> <option value="5 - Minor">5 - - Minor</option> <option value="6 - Fix if time">6 - - Fix if time</option> <option value="7 - Insignificant">7 - - Insignificant</option> </select></td> 

So that engine prints the right value, but in the wrong place! 所以引擎打印正确的值,但在错误的地方! How can I make it place the text in value attribute into the body of <option> block? 如何将value属性中的文本放入<option>块的主体?

The converter is only used to convert the value of the dropdown (whatever you see as <option value> and not to convert the label of the dropdown (whatever you see between <option> and </option> . The label is the one which is visible in the dropdown menu. 转换器仅用于转换下拉列表的 (无论您看到的是什么<option value>不是转换下拉列表的标签 (无论您在<option></option>之间看到什么。)标签是一个在下拉菜单中可见。

If you want to change the label to be the same as the value, then you just need to do it as such: 如果要将标签更改为与值相同,则只需执行以下操作:

<f:selectItems value="#{priorityController.priorityList}" var="priority"
    itemValue="#{priority}" itemLabel="#{priority.order} - #{priority.name}" />

For the item value of #{priority} the converter will still be called. 对于#{priority}的项值,仍将调用转换器。 Although I'd prefer to use some autogenerated database ID instead of kind of a label value so that conversion is more efficient. 虽然我更喜欢使用一些自动生成的数据库ID而不是标签值,以便转换更有效。

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