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C#使用LINQ to XML读取具有相同名称的多个元素

[英]C# Reading multiple elements with same name using LINQ to XML

Is there any better way doing this? 有什么更好的办法吗? I have to get both property values. 我必须同时获取两个属性值。 XML always has only these 2 properties. XML始终仅具有这两个属性。

My xml: 我的xml:

<Template name="filename.txt">
  <Property name="recordSeparator">\r\n</Property>
  <Property name="fieldCount">16</Property>

Linq: LINQ:

            var property = from template in xml.Descendants("Template")
                       select new
                                      recordDelim = template.Elements("Property").Where(prop => prop.Attribute("name").Value == "recordSeparator")
                                                    .Select(f => new { f.Value }),
                                      fieldCount = template.Elements("Property").Where(prop => prop.Attribute("name").Value == "fieldCount")
                                                    .Select(f => new { f.Value })

"Better way" depends on what exactly are you trying to achieve - performance, simplicity, etc.? “更好的方式”取决于您到底要达到什么目标-性能,简单性等?

I guess I would create a class that contains what you are trying to get with anonymous classes. 我想我会创建一个包含您试图从匿名类获得的类的类。

public class Item {
    public String Separator { get; set; }
    public int FieldCount { get; set; }

and then I would modify the LINQ to: 然后将LINQ修改为:

var templates = from template in xml.Descendants("Template")
                let children = template.Elements("Property")
                select new Item() {
                    Separator = children.First(tag=>tag.Attribute("name").Value == "recordSeparator").Value,
                    FieldCount = Int32.Parse(children.First(tag=>tag.Attribute("name").Value == "fieldCount").Value)

List<Item> items = templates.ToList();

Note that this will cause NullReference exception in case your Template tag does not contain two Property tags, each with specified attributes. 请注意,如果您的Template标记不包含两个具有指定属性的Property标记,这将导致NullReference异常。

Also it will throw an exception in parsing the integer from a FieldCount if it's not a number. 如果它不是数字,也会在解析FieldCount中的整数时引发异常。

Idea: 理念:

If the xml generated is your own, and you can change it's format, why not do something like: 如果生成的xml是您自己的,并且可以更改其格式,那么为什么不这样做:


It's easier to read and to parse, and it's a little bit shorter. 它更易于阅读和解析,并且更短一些。

In the end, I think this is how I would do it: 最后,我认为这是我要做的:

Having this class: 上这堂课:

public class Item 
   public String FileName { get; set; }
   public String Separator { get; set; }
   public int FieldCount { get; set; }

and this private method: 和这个私有方法:

private Item GetItemFromTemplate(XElement node) 
    return new Item() {
        FileName = node.Element("Name").Value,
        Separator = node.Element("RecordSeparator").Value,
        FieldCount = Int32.Parse(node.Element("FieldCount").Value)

I could do in code: 我可以用代码来做:

XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("myfile.txt");

List<Item> items = (from template in doc.Elements("Template")
                   select GetItemFromTemplate(template)).ToList();

This one is a little more efficient: 这一点效率更高:

var properties =
    from template in xml.Descendants("Template")
    let propertyNodes = template.Elements("Property")
        .Select(arg => new { Name = arg.Attribute("name").Value, Value = arg.Value })
            recordDelim = propertyNodes.Single(arg => arg.Name == "recordSeparator").Value,
            fieldCount = propertyNodes.Single(arg => arg.Name == "fieldCount").Value

If you have always one Template node: 如果您始终有一个“ Template节点:

var propertyNodes = xml.XPathSelectElements("/Template/Property")
    .Select(arg => new { Name = arg.Attribute("name").Value, arg.Value })

var properties =
        recordDelim = propertyNodes.Single(arg => arg.Name == "recordSeparator").Value,
        fieldCount = propertyNodes.Single(arg => arg.Name == "fieldCount").Value

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