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TCL 期望正则表达式

[英]TCL expect regular expression

I am trying to write one script which climbs up from one system to another through TCL/Expect.我正在尝试编写一个脚本,该脚本通过 TCL/Expect 从一个系统爬升到另一个系统。 It is working for me.它对我有用。 I need a regular expression in which expect "$ " and expect "# " is combined , so that any system with any prompt in the path can be included.我需要一个正则表达式,其中组合了expect "$"expect "#" ,以便可以包含路径中带有任何提示的任何系统。

# Using ssh from expect

log_user 0
spawn ssh test@
expect "sword: "
send "test\r"
expect "$ "
send "ssh beta\r"
expect "# "
send "uptime\r"
expect "# "

set igot $expect_out(buffer)
puts $igot

Use this:用这个:

expect -re {[$#] }

The keys to this are: add the -re flag so that we can match an RE, and put the RE in {braces} so that it doesn't get substituted.关键是:添加-re标志以便我们可以匹配 RE,并将 RE 放在{braces}以便它不会被替换。

A more generic solution:更通用的解决方案:

set prompt "(%|#|\\\$) $"
expect -re $prompt

This one matches % , # and $ .这个匹配%#$
The second dollar sign ensures matching the pattern only at the end of input.第二个美元符号确保仅在输入末尾匹配模式。

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