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Rails makevoteable帮助创建用户投票链接和自定义错误消息

[英]Rails makevoteable help creating user voting link and custom error message

I am having that problem with the gem makevoteable that when the page is loaded the post gets upvoted automatic. 我在gem makevoteable上遇到了问题,即页面加载后帖子会自动更新。 Instead of just having a link the user can click and upvote. 用户可以单击并投票,而不仅仅是链接。 When the page is reloaded I get the AlreadyVotedError in view. 重新加载页面后,我看到了AlreadyVotedError。 I would prefer a more user friendly error message as "You already voted this post" 我希望收到更人性化的错误消息,例如“您已对此帖子投了票”

My view: 我的观点:

<% @posts.each do |post| %>
  <h1><%= post.titel %></h1>
  <p><%= post.body_html %></p>
  <p><%= link_to 'asdasdasd', current_user.up_vote(post) %>
<% end %> 


My route.rb: match 'stem_op/:id' => 'posts#vote_up', :as => 'stem_op' 我的route.rb: match 'stem_op/:id' => 'posts#vote_up', :as => 'stem_op'

My public controller: 我的公共控制器:

def vote_up
  @post = Post.find(params[:id])
  flash[:message] = 'Thanks for voting!'
  redirect_to post_path(@post)
rescue MakeVoteable::Exceptions::AlreadyVotedError
  flash[:error] = 'Already voted!'
  redirect_to post_path(@post)

My view: 我的观点:

<% @posts.each do |post| %>
  <h1><%= post.titel %></h1>
  <p><%= post.body_html %></p>
  <p><%= link_to 'Stem op', stem_op_path(post.id) %> 
<% end %>

When I try to vote_up a post I get this error: 当我尝试对一个帖子进行表决时,出现此错误:

Template missing - Do I really need a blank view file? 缺少模板-我真的需要一个空白的视图文件吗?


def vote_up
  @post = Post.find(params[:id])
  flash[:message] = 'Thanks for voting!'
  redirect_to post_path(@post)
rescue MakeVoteable::Exceptions::AlreadyVotedError
  flash[:error] = 'Already voted!'
  redirect_to post_path(@post)

Error: 错误:

SyntaxError in PostsController#vote_up

C:/Rails/den/app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:103: syntax error, unexpected keyword_end, expecting $end

Yes, current_user.up_vote(post) adds a vote for that user. 是的, current_user.up_vote(post)为该用户添加了一个投票。 You need to create a controller action that executes current_user.up_vote(post) and handles the flash message. 您需要创建一个控制器操作,该操作执行current_user.up_vote(post)并处理该Flash消息。 Then you can link to that action in your view. 然后,您可以链接到视图中的该操作。

Edit to answer comment: 编辑以回答评论:

guides.rubyonrails.org/action_controller_overview guides.rubyonrails.org/action_controller_overview

In your posts controller I imagine you would want something like: 在您的帖子控制器中,我想您会想要以下内容:

def upvote
  @post = Post.find params[:id]
  flash[:message] = 'Thanks for voting!'
  redirect_to post_path(@post)
rescue MakeVoteable::Exceptions::AlreadyVotedError
  flash[:error] = 'Already voted!'
  redirect_to post_path(@post)

and in your routes something like: 在您的路线中,例如:

map.resource :post do
  member do
    post :upvote

Your link would become link_to 'Upvote!', upvote_post_url(post), :method => :post 您的链接将变为link_to 'Upvote!', upvote_post_url(post), :method => :post

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