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SOLR 字段有哪些要求才能符合构面范围查询的条件?

[英]What are the requirements for a SOLR field to be eligible for facet range query?

Exception during facet.range of id org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Unable to range facet on field:id{type=string,properties=indexed,stored,omitNorms,omitTermFreqAndPositions,sortMissingLast,required, required=true} id org.apache.solr.common.SolrException 的 facet.range 期间出现异常:无法在字段上设置 facet:id {type=string,properties=indexed,stored,omitNorms,omitTermFreqAndMissdPositions,}sortingL

This is the error I'm encountering when i try to do a facet range over ID field of my document.这是我尝试在文档的 ID 字段上执行构面范围时遇到的错误。 What am I doing wrong here in terms of defining this field in the schema?在模式中定义此字段方面,我在这里做错了什么? Have i violated any rules for eligibility for facet range query?我是否违反了构面范围查询资格的任何规则?

If you're using the facet.range option (new in Solr 3.1), the docs say "one can use the Range Faceting feature on any date field or any numeric field that supports range queries" but your field type is a string.如果您使用 facet.range 选项(Solr 3.1 中的新选项),文档说“可以在任何日期字段或任何支持范围查询的数字字段上使用 Range Faceting 功能”,但您的字段类型是字符串。

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