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[英]cross-browser problem with input type submit

I have a problem with a form that I made, it is working in Firefox but in IE and Chrome it doesnt!我制作的表格有问题,它在 Firefox 中工作,但在 IE 和 Chrome 中却没有! when I press the Submit button in IE and Chrome nothing happens!当我在IEChrome中按下提交按钮时,什么也没有发生! I didnt check this before because I didnt thought that I will have problems like this!我之前没有检查这个,因为我没想到我会遇到这样的问题! I dont know what I am missing here!我不知道我在这里错过了什么! is there any known problem (bug)是否有任何已知问题(错误)

the form:表格:

    <div id="Formulari">
<div class="WraperForForm"> 
<form action="index.php?menu=rezervimet&submenu=rezervo" method="post">

<div class="elementsLabelBox">
<div class="elementsBox">
        <input type="text" id="emri" name="emri">

<div class="elementsLabelBox">
<div class="elementsBox">
        <input type="text" id="mbiemri" name="mbiemri">

<div class="elementsLabelBox">
<div class="elementsBox">
        <select class="selectDest" name="Prej" onChange="getState(this.value)">

<div class="elementsLabelBox">
<div class="elementsBox">
        <div id="statediv"><select class="selectDest" name="deri">
<div class="elementsLabelBox">

            <form name="Data1Drejtim">
            <label for="data1drejtim">Data e nisjes:</label>
<div class="elementsBox">
            <input type="text" id="data1drejtim" name="data1drejtim">
            <script language="JavaScript">

    // whole calendar template can be redefined per individual calendar
    var A_CALTPL = {
        \'months\' : [\'Janar\', \'Shkurt\', \'Mars\', \'Prill\', \'Maj\', \'Qershor\', \'Korrik\', \'Gusht\', \'Shtator\', \'Tetor\', \'Nentor\', \'Dhjetor\'],
        \'weekdays\' : [\'Di\', \'He\', \'Ma\', \'Me\', \'Ej\', \'Pr\', \'Sh\'],
        \'yearscroll\': true,
        \'weekstart\': 0,
        \'centyear\'  : 70,
        \'imgpath\' : \'images/\'

    new tcal ({
        // if referenced by ID then form name is not required
        \'controlname\': \'data1drejtim\'
    }, A_CALTPL);

<!-- ___________________ RETURN DATE _____________________________________ -->
<div id="hideThis">
<div class="elementsLabelBox">
        <label for="dataKthyese">Data kthyese:</label>

<div class="elementsBox">           
            <input type="text" id="dataKthyese" name="dataKthyese">
                <script language="JavaScript">

    // whole calendar template can be redefined per individual calendar
    var A_CALTPL = {
        \'months\' : [\'Janar\', \'Shkurt\', \'Mars\', \'Prill\', \'Maj\', \'Qershor\', \'Korrik\', \'Gusht\', \'Shtator\', \'Tetor\', \'Nentor\', \'Dhjetor\'],
        \'weekdays\' : [\'Di\', \'He\', \'Ma\', \'Me\', \'Ej\', \'Pr\', \'Sh\'],
        \'yearscroll\': true,
        \'weekstart\': 0,
        \'centyear\'  : 70,
        \'imgpath\' : \'images/\'

    new tcal ({
        // if referenced by ID then form name is not required
        \'controlname\': \'dataKthyese\'
    }, A_CALTPL);

<div class="elementsLabelBox">
<div class="elementsBox">
        <select name="persona">
            <option value="1">1</option>
            <option value="2">2</option>
            <option value="3">3</option>
            <option value="4">4</option>
            <option value="5">5</option>
            <option value="6">6</option>
<!-- <tr>
    <td width="30" >Fëmij:</td>
    <td><input type="text" size="3" name="femij"></td>
</tr> -->

<div class="elementsBox">
<div class="elementsLabelBox">

<div class="elementsLabelBox">
        <label for="1drejtim">Një drejtim</label>
        <input type="radio" id="1drejtim" name="drejtimi"  value="një drejtim" onclick="toggleVisibility(\'hideThis\',0)">
        <label for="1drejtim">Kthyese</label>
        <input type="radio" id="kthyese" name="drejtimi" checked="checked" value="kthyese"  onclick="toggleVisibility(\'hideThis\',1)">

    <input style="float:right;margin:15px 49px 0 0;" type="submit" value="Rezervo" name="rezervo" />

</form><!-- end of the reservation form-->
</div><!-- end of Formulari-->

Thank you for your time.感谢您的时间。

You have two <form> tags in this document, and the one nested closest to the submit button has no action or method attributes.您在此文档中有两个<form>标记,最靠近提交按钮嵌套的一个没有操作或方法属性。 IE and Chrome are correct to do nothing since this form has no action to associate with submission. IE 和 Chrome 什么都不做是正确的,因为这个表单没有与提交相关联的动作。

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