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[英]Async operation completes, but result is not send to browser

I want to implement a webchat.我想实现一个网络聊天。

The backend is a dual WCF channel.后端是双 WCF 通道。 Dual channel works in the console or winforms, and it actually works on the web.双通道在控制台或winforms中工作,实际上在web上工作。 I can at least send and receive messages.我至少可以发送和接收消息。

As a base I used this blog post so, the async operation completes.作为基础,我使用了这篇博文,因此异步操作完成。

When i debug the result, I see that the messages are all ready to send to the browser.当我调试结果时,我看到消息都准备好发送到浏览器了。

[AsyncTimeout(ChatServer.MaxWaitSeconds * 1020)] // timeout is a bit longer than the internal wait
public void IndexAsync()
  ChatSession chatSession = this.GetChatSession();
  if (chatSession != null)
      chatSession.CheckForMessagesAsync(msgs =>
        this.AsyncManager.Parameters["response"] = new ChatResponse { Messages = msgs };
    catch (Exception ex)
      Logger.ErrorException("Failed to check for messages.", ex);

public ActionResult IndexCompleted(ChatResponse response)
    if (response != null)
      Logger.Debug("Async request completed. Number of messages: {0}", response.Messages.Count);
    JsonResult retval = this.Json(response);
    Logger.Debug("Rendered response: {0}", retval.);
    return retval;
  catch (Exception ex)
    Logger.ErrorException("Failed rendering the response.", ex);
    return this.Json(null);

But nothing is actually sent.但实际上没有发送任何内容。

Checking Fiddler, I see the request but I never get a response.检查提琴手,我看到了请求,但我从来没有得到回应。

public class ChatController : AsyncController

I also had to set the SessionStateBehaviour to Readonly, otherwise the async operation would block the whole page.我还必须将 SessionStateBehaviour 设置为只读,否则异步操作会阻塞整个页面。

EDIT: Here is the CheckForMessagesAsync:编辑:这是 CheckForMessagesAsync:

public void CheckForMessagesAsync(Action<List<ChatMessage>> onMessages)
  if (onMessages == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException("onMessages");

  Task task = Task.Factory.StartNew(state =>       
    List<ChatMessage> msgs = new List<ChatMessage>();
    ManualResetEventSlim wait = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);
    Action<List<ChatMessage>> callback = state as Action<List<ChatMessage>>;
    if (callback != null)
      IDisposable subscriber = m_messages.Subscribe(chatMessage =>
      bool success;
      using (subscriber)
        // Wait for the max seconds for a new msg
        success = wait.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ChatServer.MaxWaitSeconds));              
      if (success) this.SafeCallOnMessages(callback, msgs);
      else this.SafeCallOnMessages(callback, null);
  }, onMessages);
private void SafeCallOnMessages(Action<List<ChatMessage>> onMessages, List<ChatMessage> messages)
  if (onMessages != null)
    if (messages == null)
      messages = new List<ChatMessage>();
    catch (Exception ex)
      this.Logger.ErrorException("Failed to call OnMessages callback.", ex);

it`s the same idea as the in the refered blog post这与引用的博客文章中的想法相同

EDIT2: Btw, when nothing is received, so the wait timeout comes into play, the reponse returns. EDIT2:顺便说一句,当什么都没有收到时,等待超时开始起作用,响应返回。 so it seems to crash somewhere.所以它似乎在某个地方崩溃了。 any idea how to log this?知道如何记录吗?

I changed the jQUERY request (see original blog post) from POST to GET.我将 jQUERY 请求(参见原始博客文章)从 POST 更改为 GET。 That fixes it.这解决了它。


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